Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Larcenous flight risk

US man fails Bond-esque underwater escape from FBI using 'sea scooter':

Matthew Piercey, 44, a California man accused of financial crimes, briefly evaded justice when the FBI tried to arrest him on Monday morning. He first fled by car and then used a sea scooter to hide from agents underwater in a frigid lake. Agents watched his bubbles on the surface for around 25 minutes before he emerged and was handcuffed.

He is accused of leading a $35m (£27m) Ponzi scheme at his local church. Investigators say that he and his business partner Kenneth Winton used funds invested in their companies, Family Wealth Legacy and Zolla, to pay for personal expenses, and that few liquid assets remained for them to return to clients. Mr Piercey is charged with wire fraud, mail fraud, money laundering, and witness tampering and is facing 20 years in prison.

Prosecutors have also deemed him a flight risk. [I can't imagine why.]

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