Tuesday, December 30, 2014

I Believe Not God

The concept I’m about to describe is really quite simple, yet mistaken statements abound.

The world abounds in claims about which I have neither heard nor will ever hear. About those claims, I have no belief.

Babies have no belief in gods because they are not cognitively capable of making a decision based on the lack of evidence. Babies are not atheists, they are simply not cognizant. Equally, trees, rocks, and nematodes do not believe in gods, but they are not atheists.

Technically, atheism is equivalent to the belief that there is no god. For some reason, non-believers use waffle language that panders to religious hypersensitivity.
We have all heard hedging statements of the form: “I’m not saying that God does not exist, I’m saying I lack belief.”

Sorry, fence-sitter, you might be saying you feel uncertain, or you might be trying to dodge the illogical demand to prove a non-existence, but you are actually flunking Logic 101.

Rationally, we should not believe in anything for which there is no evidence. Further, only a concept can be argued into existence. Yes, there is abundant evidence of the god concept, but no good evidence for the existence of a deity, particularly an interfering deity.

Even more damning, believers have searched and searched and searched for valid evidence, but cannot produce any. Most damning of all, Christian apologists now emphasize Fideismbelief not only despite absence of evidence, but Faith touted as more admirable because it is held in the face of zero evidence. I can think of another term for obstinately clinging to a belief despite the lack of evidence, and despite repeated refutation of all apologetic arguments. However, the term is not flattering, so let's settle for "deluded".

I could say ‘I don’t believe in fairies’, but I am actually saying that I hold the mental state that fairies do not exist. In other words, saying that I do not believe in fairies is logically equivalent to saying that I hold the belief that there are no fairies.

The same holds for deities: “not belief in god” is logically equivalent to “belief of not god”.

A belief is not a fleeting idea or vague opinion, subject to forgetfulness or rapid change. Instead, it is a persistent mental state, the manifestation of relatively fixed neural circuits. In other words, whatever we believe persists whether or not we are thinking of it at a given moment. A believer in A will be a believer in A when he falls asleep and when he wakes in the morning.  

Time, evidence, and persuasive arguments might convince a person to abandon a belief in A and realize that the reality is not A. However, the process is often slow because the neural “belief-circuit” and associated circuits must be rebuilt.

Light dawns slowly, if at all, for believers because they have a strong emotional investment in maintaining a delusion that promises eternal lifeand all for so little effort. Simply believe in the unbelievable, and you too can comfort yourself with the illusion of being Special to a Fickle, Narcissistic, Punitive Parent, who will eternally cook youand, as a bonus for the malevolent, your enemies—if you fail to believe.

Cognitive Distortions

I'm repeatedly struck by the irony inherent in whining that atheists denigrate the cognitive capacities of religious fundamentalists, while proclaiming that belief in a flawed ancient text will ensure that the believer—and only the believer—will defy the laws of nature and live when dead.

How to become a religious fundamentalist:

[under construction]

1) Early indoctrination helps, but is not essential.

2) The following does not apply to all believers, but to the worst religionist fundamentalists. These types exhibit a cognitive disorder characterized by:

a) Emotionality versus Thinking.
b) Narcissism versus Humanism.
c) Authoritarianism (RWA, SDO) versus Tolerance.
d) Defective Moral Compass.
e) Deception versus Truth.

In keeping with these problems, religious fundamentalist take pride in emotionality, fail to recognize their narcissism, take pride in authoritarianism, label those with subtler moral attitudes as "sinners", and refuse to recognize or admit that they heap one logical deception upon another.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Emotionality versus Thinking

Core post: Cognitive Distortions.

Emotionality versus Thinking

Most individuals fit the Myers-Briggs ESFJ profile (extroversion, sensing, feeling, judging). The opposite personality profile INTP (introversion, intuiting, thinking, perceiving) is positively correlated with IQ.

In addition, MRI studies have demonstrated that, compared to liberals, the brains of CONservatives have larger amygdalas (fear, anger, submission) and lower activity in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC).

Narcissism versus Humanism

Core post: Cognitive Distortions.

Narcissism versus Humanism

Children are natural narcissists, but most of us outgrow egotism as we mature. Those raised by authoritarian parents appear to be less likely to shed us-versus-them mentality.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder lies at the extreme of a spectrum of attitudes that ranges from a realistic view of self within society to megalomaniacal self-aggrandizement. Those who are high on the self-focus spectrum overvalue their own concerns at the expense of others.

Narcissistic Personality (link)

  1. Characteristics
    1. Grandiosity, unrealistic self-expectation
    2. Preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty
    3. Believes that he or she is special, unique and can only be understood by high status people or institutions
    4. Sense of entitlement
    5. Need constant admiration
    6. Impulsive and anxious
    7. Takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
    8. Doubts own adequacy
    9. Arrogant and displays haughty behavior
    10. Envious of others
    11. Lacks empathy

Authoritarianism versus Tolerance

Core post: Cognitive Distortions.

Authoritarianism (RWA, SDO) versus Tolerance.

Fundamentalists hide behind "love the sinner, but hate the sin". However, they are actually sugar coating their hatred of any individual who doesn't bow to the narrow edicts that they publicly advocate (but not necessarily follow).

Ironically, this is the attitude that the Jesus Myth inventors preached against.

“Authoritarianism is something authoritarian followers and authoritarian
leaders cook up between themselves. It happens when the followers submit too
much to the leaders, trust them too much, and give them too much leeway to do
whatever they want—which often is something undemocratic, tyrannical and brutal. In my day, authoritarian fascist and authoritarian communist dictatorships posed the biggest threats to democracies, and eventually lost to them in wars both hot and cold. But authoritarianism itself has not disappeared …. the greatest threat to American democracy today arises from a militant authoritarianism that has become a cancer upon the nation.” [italics mine]

Bob Altemeyer, The Authorarians (pdf)

Defective Moral Compass

Core post: Cognitive Distortions.

d) Defective Moral Compass

We've all seen examples of this. The internet has many Christian-fundamentalist-moralists who fail to see the hypocrisy inherent in applauding the murder of abortion doctors, or in defending the nasty "God" of the Hebrew Bible who (supposedly) drowned most life on earth in a fit of pique. Lamentably, these types are willing not only to excuse, but to defend genocide when "God" commands it. 

Deuteronomy 2:34, 3:6, 7:2, 7:16, 13:15, 20:16-17

Joshua 6:21, 10:40

1 Samuel 15:2-3

Jonathan Haidt's research demonstrates that, rather than fine-tuning their moral thinking according to the Golden Rule, conservatives a) dutifully adopt 'in-group' dictates, and b) base moral pronouncements on visceral responses.

Deception versus Truth

Core post: Cognitive Distortions.

e) Deception versus Truth

Ironically, those who rely on fallacies of logic and deny reality (truth) in the mistaken (false dichotomy) belief that the only choices are "God" or science simultaneously make claims to being in possession of "revealed Truth" (essentially, Gnosticism).  They fail to apprehend that one cannot create a "Truth" by denying truth.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Does the BBC only hire incompetents?

During an interview here, the silver-haired interviewer (Joe Boyle?) asked Mark Regev a question about Israel's response to the kidnapping of one of its soldiers, and promptly interrupted the response, demanding facetiously to know how the conflict could possibly become any worse.

Regev supplied a clear explanation, but the question left me wondering if this is the first conflict the interviewer, ormore likelyhis controller have ever seen.

Good grief, transparent bias is one thing, stupid questions are another.

As to the unfortunate soldier, Hamas has yet to take credit and crow its victory. No doubt they will wait until they are thoroughly defeated, and then try to use the poor lad as a bargaining chip.

(PS, Sadly, the soldier was killed during the attack and Hamas spoke the truth, for once.)

Elizabeth Loftus and False Testimony Syndrome

Any clinician who has observed a patient retrieve a genuine repressed memory is aware of the difference between the brain's handling of traumatic memories versus episodic memories that were not so ego-threatening as to require dissociative coping strategies.

"In "Remembering Dangerously," Loftus warns that "supposedly de-repressed" memories could "trivialize the genuine memories of abuse and increase the suffering of real victims who wish and deserve, more than anything else, just to be believed" (1995, p. 29)." source.

Unfortunately, Elizabeth Loftus, whose "research" induced her to testify against apparently real victims in favour of alleged perpetrators, did genuine victims much more harm than "supposedly de-repressed" memories.

"Learning of Loftus' article, in 1995, Hoult filed a professional ethics complaint against Loftus with the American Psychological Association ("APA") alleging that Loftus misrepresented the facts of Hoult v. Hoult in "Remembering Dangerously." Within a month of the filing of that complaint, and before the APA began its investigation, Loftus resigned from the APA by email. Her resignation revoked the organization's jurisdiction over the matter, thereby barring any investigation." Jennifer Hoult's critique of Loftus' article.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Drugs, Lies, and Videotapes: Blob Blameaholic

Toronto’s mistakenly-elected mayor is an embarrassment—drunk in office, smoking crack cocaine in videos, mixing with criminals, mismanaging the city’s affairs, spouting blatant lies [contradictory statements cannot both be right], making racist remarks, admitting to the sexual abuse of felines (don’t tell me you missed the “I have plenty to eat at home” remark), making at least one false accusation and passing it off as innuendo, exhibiting floridly homophobic attitudes, displaying emotional immaturity, and spouting fallacies of logic. Aided and abetted by his almost equally dysfunctional bully-guard brother, Rob Ford is the laughing stock of the developed world.

Ah well, he did learn something after 2 months in rehab. He now blames everything on his “chronical disease”.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Crafts - Medieval onward

Crafts - Medieval - Quill, Wheel, Potting, Weaponry

Crafts - Medieval - Quill, Wheel, Potting, Weaponry playlist contents.

Cooking & Kitchens - Medieval, Tudor, Georgian, Edwardian

Cooking & Kitchens - Medieval, Tudor, Georgian, Edwardian

Cooking & Kitchens - Medieval, Tudor, Georgian, Edwardian playlist contents.

BBC Farm Series - period recipes and cooking techniques from Tudor to WWII.

Kitchen section in "If Walls Could Talk" - Lucy Worsley.

Education, Language, Intelligence

Language Acquisition; Evolution of English:

Earth - Natural History, Geology, Climate

Geology and History:

How Earth Made Us: How Earth made History - Professor Iain Stewart
Earth: The Power of the Planet (2007) - Professor Iain Stewart
Making Scotland's Landscape - Professor Iain Stewart
and more

Geology and History playlist contents.

Natural History - Europe, Geology, Climate, Life

Natural History - Europe, Geology, Climate, Life playlist contents.

History with Tony Robinson

Peasants' Revolt of 1381

Peasants' Revolt of 1381 contents playlist.

Walking Through History
Fact or Fiction
Birth of Britain

playlist contents.

Worst Jobs - Dark Ages to Christmas

Worst Jobs - Dark Ages to Christmas playlist contents.

Worst Jobs in History - the Middle Ages.

Worst Jobs in History - the Middle Ages playlist contents.

Weaponry, Medieval Warfare, Castles

Weaponry, Medieval Warfare, Castles

Weaponry, Medieval Warfare, Castles playlist contents.

Secrets of the Castle with Ruth, Peter and Tom - Guédelon:


Tudors & Stuarts: Fit to Rule, What the Tudors & Stuarts Did for Us
Time Traveller's Guide to Elizabethan England
The Most Dangerous Man in Tudor England
Henry VIII: Patron or Plunderer?

Tudors & Stuarts: Fit to Rule, What the Tudors & Stuarts Did for Us playlist contents.

Tudor Monastery Farm, Tudor Feast

Tudor Monastery Farm, Tudor Feast playlist contents.

Medicine: Pus, Pain, Poison; and Parasites

Rx - Pus, Pain, Poison; and Parasites

Rx - Pus, Pain, Poison; and Parasites playlist contents.

The Great Pestilence - The Black Death

The Great Pestilence - The Black Death playlist contents.

Atheism Playlists

Will the world never be free of counter-factual, anti-rational delusion and religion-inspired violence?

Why does it matter? Inculcated in childhood, religious belief ruins, even cost, the lives of fanatics and their victims. Just as insidious, insistence upon belief in an invention for which there is no good evidence requires denial of reality coupled with cognitive distortions.

Cognitive Distortions:
Emotionality versus Thinking.
Narcissism versus Humanism.
Authoritarianism versus Tolerance.
Defective Moral Compass.
Deception versus Truth.

Atheism versus Delusion

Atheism versus Delusion playlist contents.

Errant Anthology by Men

Errant Anthology by Men playlist contents. 

Escaping the Final Deity

Psychology of Delusion playlist contents. 

Sociopolitical Inventions - Deities

Science - Ancient to Modern

Appeal of the Wondrous

Appeal of the Wondrous playlist contents.

Science - Ancient to Modern

Science - Ancient to Modern playlist contents. 

Mud, Sweat, and Tractors: Story of Agriculture

BBC: Mud, Sweat, and Tractors: Story of Agriculture
Milk; Fruit & Veg; Wheat; Beef

Inside the Medieval Mind

Unfortunately, despite being produced for the Open University, much in these playlists has been gutted by copyright claims.

Medieval Mind Knowledge

Medieval Mind Knowledge playlist contents. 

Medieval Mind Sex

Medieval Mind Sex playlist contents. 

Medieval Mind Belief

Medieval Mind Belief playlist contents. 

Medieval Mind Power & Norman Conquest

Medieval Mind Power & Norman Conquest playlist contents. 

Archaeology vs Scriptures

Of course, religionists are unwilling to accept the fact that texts included in the the biblical anthology were not written as historical records. As a result, much that it contains does not match the archaeological evidence.

Archaeology versus Scriptures

Bible's Buried Secrets - BBC & NOVA

Friday, June 13, 2014

Medieval Society

Medieval Society: Children, Women, Birth, Marriage, Death 

Medieval to Modern - Social History

Books to Maps

Books, Bookbinding, Design, Diagrams, Drawing, Illuminations, Manuscripts, Maps

Medieval Construction

Medieval Construction

Medieval Construction playlist contents.

Secrets of the Castle with Ruth, Peter and Tom - Guédelon:

Art playlists


Architecture playlist contents.

Art: Seven Ages of Britain; Art History: Vikings to Art Nouveau

Art playlist contents.

Creativity, Culture, Intelligence

Creativity, Culture, Intelligence playlist contents.


Renaissance playlist contents.

Leather, Parchment, Book Binding

Leather, Parchment, Book Binding playlist.

From Survival to Comfort

Skills & Bushcraft - BCE-Medieval-Tudor-18thC.

Excerpts from Tales from the Green Valley; Medieval pottery; construction, coracle, leather, wheelwright, manuscript, quill, stone, longbow, arrow, fletching Ray Mears, bushcraft, lime kiln, musket, medicine, urine.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Architecture and Construction

"Pugin: God's Own Architect"
"Dan Cruickshank's Adventures in Architecture"
"Dreaming the Impossible: Unbuilt Britain"

Medieval Construction:


Secrets of the Castle - Guédelon

Mastercraft Series

Monty Don places enthusiastic novices in traditional crafts.

3. Blacksmithing:

1. Green Wood Craft:

4. Stained Glass:

6. Stonemasonry:

2. Thatching:

5. Weaving:


Women in History

Women, Medieval to 17th C: She Wolves, Harlots, Whores, Heroines, Queens.

Michael Wood, Dr Helen Castor, Lucy Worsley.

"Christina: A Medieval Life", Michael Wood
"She Wolves, England's Early Queens", Helen Castor
"Medieval Lives: Birth, Marriage, Death", Helen Castor
"Harlots, Housewives, Heroines", Lucy Worsley

Worst Jobs in History

Tony Robinson's amusing series about unpleasant jobs through the ages.

Worst Jobs: Medieval

Worst Jobs in History series:

The Worst Jobs in History (Tony Robinson) - Dark Ages, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, Tudor, Stuart, Georgian, Victorian, Urban, Royal, Industrial, Maritime, Rural, Christmas

Discovery & Invention: Scientific & Industrial Revolutions

Content list.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Anterior Cingulate Cortex

Anterior Cingulate Cortex

Normal humans become upset when they make a mistake. Psychologists call the phenomenon "cognitive dissonance". The ACC appears to provide at least part of the answer for the physiological response.

"The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) .... appears to play a role in a wide variety of autonomic functions, such as regulating blood pressure and heart rate. It is also involved in rational cognitive functions, such as reward anticipation, decision-making, empathy, impulse control, and emotion."

Anteriorcingulate cortex regulation of sympathetic activity:

"In the 1940s and 1950s, evidence accumulated from animal as well as human studies of the ACC .... demonstrated the involvement of the cingulate cortex in motor and autonomic control."

" .... patients with ACC lesions do demonstrate performance deficits on the Stroop task
and other tasks that have been shown to activate the ACC."

"Perhaps the most consistent observation regarding changes associated with lesion of the ACC is with regard to affect. These patients have been described as apathetic and unconcerned when significant events occur, such as making mistakes."

Brain Volume 126, Issue 10 Pp. 2119-2120.

Online Stroop Test [caution, I haven't checked whether the site is an email-fishing con]

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


This is an experiment: a companion blog for my YouTube channels.

1º: archanth
2º: antharch

main blog: mittelzeit

about me

Collected ramblings of an atheist driven to anti-theism by fundamentalist attacks on education, science, and the rights of others.