Monday, September 30, 2019

Toxic masculinity sample, September '19

In the meantime, I stumbled across zero accounts of physically-violent or sexually-deviant crimes perpetrated by females.

Mapping child murders since stepfather killed two girls:

Spain in shock as children witness family's triple murder: A man has been arrested in Spain after confessing to fatally shooting his ex-wife, mother-in-law and sister-in-law in front of the couple's two children. ... The couple divorced last year. Local media reported that José Luis Abet Lafuente had recently sent messages to his ex-wife accusing her of blocking his access to the two [sex not revealed - girls?] children. [Malevolent fool! You've relinquished access forever.]

19-9-11 A baby boy pulled out of a river in Greater Manchester has died: The child, believed to be almost 12 months old, was pulled from the River Irwell in Radcliffe, Bury, just before 16:30 BST but died a short time later in hospital. A 22-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder.

19-9-9 Man jailed for putting 13-month-old girl in tumble dryer.

Alabama 19-9-3 US 14-year-old [male] admits killing five family members:
A 14-year-old boy in Alabama has confessed to killing five members of his own family, US police say. Those killed were the boy's father, stepmother and siblings, local media report. Three were found dead at the scene while the other two died in hospital. There is no indication yet on any motive nor how he obtained the weapon used, a 9mm handgun.

Minnesota State Fair Shooting Being Investigated: Witnesses on social media described a chaotic scene outside the annual event.

The police in St. Paul, Minn., said at least one person was shot outside the main gate of the Minnesota State Fair late Monday.

The number of victims in the shooting was not immediately known, and the police did not say if a suspect had been arrested. Witnesses on social media described a chaotic scene outside the annual event, which set an attendance record on Sunday with nearly 250,000 visitors.

The police said they were also investigating a crash in the area involving a pedestrian. It was unclear if the shooting and the crash were related. .

Three people were shot ... a 19-year-old woman was hit by a car less than two blocks from the state fair’s main entrance ... there had been a fight or altercation in the area.

A short time later, several shots rang out near the main entrance. Officers found one man on the ground with a bullet wound, and two other men later showed up to hospitals with bullet wounds.

The three wounded men were expected to survive, he said. A 20-year-old man was shot in the stomach or groin, another 20-year-old man was shot in the hand, and an 18-year-old was shot in the shoulder. The woman hit by the car was in critical condition as of Tuesday morning.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Accurate Summary

Hillary Clinton condemns DUHnocchio's 'cheap extortion racket': Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accused UNpresident Crook-in-Chief of putting his personal and political gain ahead of the national interest. In a speech at Georgetown University in Washington, she described his phone call with the Ukrainian leader as a "cheap extortion racket".

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Who would want to live in America? Not I. .

Impeach? The crooked traitor should be INDICTED

Impeachment is a politically sanctioned indictment. It will not remove the crooked traitor and his venal enablers from power. On the other hand, the infamous memo that implies that a president, no matter how criminal, cannot be indicted--and hence is above the law--is nothing more than an opinion founded on an assumption that a president is essential to the country's security. The current UNelected* monstrosity is both crooked and a danger to national security.

The USA is sadly, and deservedly, a laughing stock.

* UNelected? DJT lost the popular vote, might well have prevailed in swing states by virtue of vote tampering, and was installed by a RepuGNican-rigged, outmoded body that should have been scrapped many decades ago. .

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Speaking of destroying your own democracy ...

Another instance of treason?

Imo, DUHnocchio has evaded justified prison sentences for far too long. The same appears to apply to much of DUH's Cabinet of Evil.

Whistle-Blower’s Complaint Is Said to Involve Multiple Acts by Agent Orange: The complaint goes beyond a commitment that UNpresident DUHnocchio was said to have made to a world leader.

A potentially explosive complaint by a whistle-blower in the intelligence community said to involve UNpresident DUHnocchio was related to a series of actions that goes beyond any single discussion with a foreign leader, according to interviews on 19-9-19.

The complaint was related to multiple acts, Michael Atkinson, the inspector general for American spy agencies, told lawmakers during a private briefing, two officials familiar with it said. But he declined to discuss specifics, including whether the complaint involved the president, according to committee members.

Separately, a person familiar with the whistle-blower’s complaint said it involves in part a commitment that Agent Orange made in a communication with another world leader. The Washington Post first reported the nature of that discussion. But no single communication was at the root of the complaint, another person familiar with it said.
Apologies for the close-up of bloated, petulant, criminal ugliness ...
1. Why Whistleblower Complaint Could Be 'Significant' > .

2. Intel Committee Holding Meeting On Whistleblower Complaint >

Schiff speaks after House Intelligence briefing on whistleblower complaint >

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Systems broken by greedy authoritarians

Nationalistic Hubris run Amok = America Under Inevitable DUHnocchianism: what happens when a worshiped, but defective constitution crumbles under a poorly-informed, corporate-swindled electorate combined with a political and legislative system rigged to benefit greedy authoritarians:

How Democracy Dies, American-Style: Sharpies, auto emissions and the weaponization of policy.

"Democracies used to collapse suddenly, with tanks rolling noisily toward the presidential palace. In the 21st century, however, the process is usually subtler.

Authoritarianism is on the march across much of the world, but its advance tends to be relatively quiet and gradual, so that it’s hard to point to a single moment and say, this is the day democracy ended. You just wake up one morning and realize that it’s gone.

In their 2018 book “How Democracies Die,” the political scientists Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt documented how this process has played out in many countries, from Vladimir Putin’s [overstretched] Russia, to [stage-your-own-coup] Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Turkey, to Viktor Vicktator Orban’s Hungary [not to mention, the crumbling "United" Kingdom with its bombastic, bullying Buffoon-in-Chief]. Bit by bit the guardrails of democracy were torn down, as institutions meant to serve the public became tools of the ruling party, then were weaponized to punish and intimidate that party’s opponents. On paper these countries are still democracies; in practice they have become one-party regimes.

And the events of the past week have demonstrated how this can happen right here in America."

Monday, September 9, 2019

Joe Farrar, you are a numbnut [euphemism]

Red Jeep Stranded on a Beach Becomes a Social Media Sensation: The vehicle, which the police in Myrtle Beach, S.C., found abandoned as Hurricane Dorian loomed, grew into a popular meme.
Farrar was driving on the beach around 6:30 a.m. on Thursday, trying to get a picture of the sunrise before Hurricane Dorian hit.

As he was turning, Farrar got stuck in a ditch in the sand and left the vehicle in search of help, but all of the towing companies he called said they couldn’t get to the vehicle before the hurricane was expected to strike.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Warren 2020

Elizabeth Warren Stands Out at New Hampshire Democratic Party Convention: Ms. Warren got the most enthusiastic response of the 19 candidates who appeared Saturday. Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg and Cory Booker also attracted particularly energetic support.

Wrong-Wing Blamers need a Scapegoat to Blame

Greedy Rats Desert Sinking Ships

The Republicans RepuGNicans Are Dropping Like Flies: What do retiring deserting members of Congress know that President Trump UNpresident DUHnocchio doesn’t?

Never Trumpers DUHnocchians: previously stalwart Repugnicans who cringed at Trump’s DUHnocchio's entry into the presidential race; grew increasingly apoplectic as he raged on; began to live, courtesy of him, in an unwavering state of unalloyed outrage; and scaled new media and sometimes financial heights as party turncoats, their antipathy toward the president more titillating and telegenic by dint of their loyalty to Repugnicans before him.

But they’re not the best gauges of his and the party’s political fortunes. Their estrangement and emotional pitch have been changeless.

The more interesting and maybe predictive group are the Republicans RepuGNicans who, to varying degrees, tried to make do with Trump DUHnocchio, found ways to rationalize him and still won’t acknowledge how offensive he is but have fled or are fleeing government nonetheless. He made their participation in political life joyless. He so thoroughly befouled their party’s image that they reek by association. And, thanks largely if not entirely to him, many of them faced or face punishment at the polls.

What to call this crowd? Maybe the Toppled Trumpers Traitors-to-Decency. Maybe the Shotgun Trumpers Traitors-to-Decency.

Maybe bellwethers. [More likely, turncoat politicians who were only ever in politics to serve themselves, not their constituents.]

In the cause of figuring out whether, in November 2020, Trump Idiot-in-Chief will be rewarded with a second term, many numbers and dynamics get tossed around: the unemployment figures [beginning to rise], the Dow Jones [beginning to fall], the trade war [doomed to failure], the advantages of incumbency [or the disadvantage of becoming an internationally-despised, blatant failure], the peculiarities of the Electoral College [RepuGNican owned and antidemocratic] and Trump’s Crook-in-Chief's approval ratings, consistently low [consistently higher than they should be thanks to LIES spoon fed to the poorly-educated on Wrong-Wing media] but not entirely static [because some duped voters cling stubbornly to cognitive dissonance].

The Republican Party Is Doomed: This is a transformational moment. Do the Democrats understand how to take advantage of it? .

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Erdogan using migrant threat to blackmail Europe

Syria war: Turkey warns blackmails Europe of with new another migrant wave pipeline: Stage-your-own-coup using migrant threat again.

Turkey has warned it may reopen the route for Syrian refugees to enter Europe if it does not get more international support [read, money for Erdogan's schemes] for creating a safe zone in northern Syria. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called for "logistical support" to establish a safe zone in Syria's north-east.

"Either this happens, or we will be forced to open the gates," he said.

Turkey is hosting more than 3.6 million Syrians who have fled the civil war. The US backs the "safe zone" plan. But the plan is controversial, because Syrian Kurdish forces are wary of Turkey moving many Syrians into the north-east who are not originally from that area. The ethnic Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), seen by Turkey as a terrorist group, do not want to make way for Turkish forces in that area.

The US military has backed the YPG against so-called Islamic State (IS) fighters, whose territory is now much diminished.

Russian sub?

Mystery surrounds lost German sea data station

A massive environmental monitoring station off Germany's Baltic coast has disappeared from the seabed, baffling police and researchers. The seabed "observatory", worth about €300,000 (£270,000), weighed more than half a tonne. It could not have been dragged off by a storm, tide or large animal, German experts say. Divers only found a torn power cable at the site, 22m (72ft) down and 1.8km (1.2 miles) offshore.

It is a prohibited area, north of Kiel. No boats - not even local fishing boats - are allowed into the area, called Eckernförde Bay, about 70km (44 miles) south of the Danish border.

Monday, September 2, 2019

RepuGNican Swamp Creatures

It is impossible to respect the fools who vote to infest the swamp with greedy alligators.

"It’s certainly true that there’s corruption up and down American public life, and not just in campaign finance and lobbying. It also exists in think tanks, corporate governance, pharmaceutical marketing, higher education, the regulatory system, even philanthropy. The extraordinary concentration of wealth in this new Gilded Age, and the tilt of public policy in its favor, is itself evidence of corruption. It’s also true that Mr. Trump DUHnoccio is not singular and that versions of his plunder can be found in more banal form across the spectrum of political vice — like the fact that two Republican RepuGNican members of Congress are under indictment.

But we shouldn’t lose sight of the profound differences between the two scenarios above, and all the little corruptions that look more like the first case than the case of UNpresident Crook-in-Chief. The compromised behavior of legislators who have limited choices about how to raise money is built into the way we’ve structured elections. “Good people trapped in a bad system,” my old boss, former Senator Bill Bradley, used to say, with perhaps more generosity than was merited.

The key distinction is between systems that invite or encourage corruption — such as by making legislators dependent on donors — and individual acts in which politicians or regulators choose to elevate private interests, or their own, over the public interest. Failing to acknowledge that distinction will make it difficult to build the case against the extreme and unprecedented corruption of Trump Crook-in-Chief and his [despicable] allies." .