Saturday, September 7, 2019

Greedy Rats Desert Sinking Ships

The Republicans RepuGNicans Are Dropping Like Flies: What do retiring deserting members of Congress know that President Trump UNpresident DUHnocchio doesn’t?

Never Trumpers DUHnocchians: previously stalwart Repugnicans who cringed at Trump’s DUHnocchio's entry into the presidential race; grew increasingly apoplectic as he raged on; began to live, courtesy of him, in an unwavering state of unalloyed outrage; and scaled new media and sometimes financial heights as party turncoats, their antipathy toward the president more titillating and telegenic by dint of their loyalty to Repugnicans before him.

But they’re not the best gauges of his and the party’s political fortunes. Their estrangement and emotional pitch have been changeless.

The more interesting and maybe predictive group are the Republicans RepuGNicans who, to varying degrees, tried to make do with Trump DUHnocchio, found ways to rationalize him and still won’t acknowledge how offensive he is but have fled or are fleeing government nonetheless. He made their participation in political life joyless. He so thoroughly befouled their party’s image that they reek by association. And, thanks largely if not entirely to him, many of them faced or face punishment at the polls.

What to call this crowd? Maybe the Toppled Trumpers Traitors-to-Decency. Maybe the Shotgun Trumpers Traitors-to-Decency.

Maybe bellwethers. [More likely, turncoat politicians who were only ever in politics to serve themselves, not their constituents.]

In the cause of figuring out whether, in November 2020, Trump Idiot-in-Chief will be rewarded with a second term, many numbers and dynamics get tossed around: the unemployment figures [beginning to rise], the Dow Jones [beginning to fall], the trade war [doomed to failure], the advantages of incumbency [or the disadvantage of becoming an internationally-despised, blatant failure], the peculiarities of the Electoral College [RepuGNican owned and antidemocratic] and Trump’s Crook-in-Chief's approval ratings, consistently low [consistently higher than they should be thanks to LIES spoon fed to the poorly-educated on Wrong-Wing media] but not entirely static [because some duped voters cling stubbornly to cognitive dissonance].

The Republican Party Is Doomed: This is a transformational moment. Do the Democrats understand how to take advantage of it? .

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