Thursday, September 5, 2019

Erdogan using migrant threat to blackmail Europe

Syria war: Turkey warns blackmails Europe of with new another migrant wave pipeline: Stage-your-own-coup using migrant threat again.

Turkey has warned it may reopen the route for Syrian refugees to enter Europe if it does not get more international support [read, money for Erdogan's schemes] for creating a safe zone in northern Syria. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called for "logistical support" to establish a safe zone in Syria's north-east.

"Either this happens, or we will be forced to open the gates," he said.

Turkey is hosting more than 3.6 million Syrians who have fled the civil war. The US backs the "safe zone" plan. But the plan is controversial, because Syrian Kurdish forces are wary of Turkey moving many Syrians into the north-east who are not originally from that area. The ethnic Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), seen by Turkey as a terrorist group, do not want to make way for Turkish forces in that area.

The US military has backed the YPG against so-called Islamic State (IS) fighters, whose territory is now much diminished.

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