Saturday, September 21, 2019

Impeach? The crooked traitor should be INDICTED

Impeachment is a politically sanctioned indictment. It will not remove the crooked traitor and his venal enablers from power. On the other hand, the infamous memo that implies that a president, no matter how criminal, cannot be indicted--and hence is above the law--is nothing more than an opinion founded on an assumption that a president is essential to the country's security. The current UNelected* monstrosity is both crooked and a danger to national security.

The USA is sadly, and deservedly, a laughing stock.

* UNelected? DJT lost the popular vote, might well have prevailed in swing states by virtue of vote tampering, and was installed by a RepuGNican-rigged, outmoded body that should have been scrapped many decades ago. .

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