Thursday, September 19, 2019

Another instance of treason?

Imo, DUHnocchio has evaded justified prison sentences for far too long. The same appears to apply to much of DUH's Cabinet of Evil.

Whistle-Blower’s Complaint Is Said to Involve Multiple Acts by Agent Orange: The complaint goes beyond a commitment that UNpresident DUHnocchio was said to have made to a world leader.

A potentially explosive complaint by a whistle-blower in the intelligence community said to involve UNpresident DUHnocchio was related to a series of actions that goes beyond any single discussion with a foreign leader, according to interviews on 19-9-19.

The complaint was related to multiple acts, Michael Atkinson, the inspector general for American spy agencies, told lawmakers during a private briefing, two officials familiar with it said. But he declined to discuss specifics, including whether the complaint involved the president, according to committee members.

Separately, a person familiar with the whistle-blower’s complaint said it involves in part a commitment that Agent Orange made in a communication with another world leader. The Washington Post first reported the nature of that discussion. But no single communication was at the root of the complaint, another person familiar with it said.
Apologies for the close-up of bloated, petulant, criminal ugliness ...
1. Why Whistleblower Complaint Could Be 'Significant' > .

2. Intel Committee Holding Meeting On Whistleblower Complaint >

Schiff speaks after House Intelligence briefing on whistleblower complaint >

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