Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Interference CONTINUES

Russian President Vladimir Putin likely authorised attempts to influence last year's US election in favour of former UNpresident DUHnocchio, intelligence officials say.

Moscow spread "misleading or unsubstantiated allegations" about the eventual winner, Joe Biden, according to a US government report. But it said no foreign government had compromised the final results.

20-9-10 Russian hackers target US election again - Microsoft:

[Like Putin's Puppet, Putin is probably afraid of the consequences should Cheat-in-Chief fail to rig the vote in his execrable favor.]

The Puppet-in-Chief Campaign Accepted Russian Help to Win in 2016. Case Closed: “Cooperation” or “collusion” or whatever. It was a plot against American democracy.

"Russia is now attempting to help Agent Orange again this November, according to American intelligence assessments reported in The Times. For any normal president, that would be a top-of-mind concern, and he or she would be marshaling all available resources to thwart it. What has Traitor-in-Chief done? On Sunday night, he retweeted Russian propaganda that the U.S. intelligence community had already flagged as part of that country’s efforts to skew the election.

On Monday, Miles Taylor, a former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security in the Idiot-in-Chief administration, wrote that the UNpresident “showed vanishingly little interest in subjects of vital national security interest, including cybersecurity, domestic terrorism and malicious foreign interference in U.S. affairs.” He added, “the country is less secure as a direct result of the UNpresident’s actions.”
There’s no way to sugarcoat it. In less than three months, the American people could re-elect a man who received a foreign government’s help to win one election and has shown neither remorse nor reservations about doing so again."
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/19/opinion/trump-russia-2016-report.html .

Wēnaþ þā dysiġan þæt ǣlċ mann sīe blind swā hīe sind, and þæt nān mann ne mæġe ġesēon þæt hīe gesēon ne magon. = Fools think everyone is as blind as they are, and that no one can see what they cannot. 

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