Monday, March 8, 2021

Another reason to cry "victim"?

"Me-Again" = a name that sums it up.

Here's the thing. Considering her recent petulant performance, it seems much more likely that Meghan has encountered dislike based on her behavior, rather than on her skin color. Unfortunately, those who falsely and conveniently attribute all resistance and criticism to unrelated superficialities (such as pigmentation) are unlikely ever to grow up into responsible adults capable of learning from experience. 

Narcissistic personality disorder? This personality disorder might explain Meghan's seeking attention for the airing of her bullying-denial and perceived slights. Narcissism manifests as an inflated sense of own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others.

Since NPD and its comorbid manifestations have been in the news for four years, although individuals don't fit into singular either-or boxes, these categorizations are interesting: 
Unprincipled narcissistDeficient conscience; unscrupulous, amoral, disloyal, fraudulent, deceptive, arrogant, exploitive; a con artist and charlatan; dominating, contemptuous, vindictive.
Amorous narcissistSexually seductive, enticing, beguiling, tantalizing; glib and clever; disinclined to real intimacy; indulges hedonistic desires; bewitches and inveigles others; pathological lying and swindling. Tends to have many affairs, often with exotic partners.
Compensatory narcissistSeeks to counteract or cancel out deep feelings of inferiority and lack of self-esteem; offsets deficits by creating illusions of being superior, exceptional, admirable, noteworthy; self-worth results from self-enhancement.
Elitist narcissistFeels privileged and empowered by virtue of special childhood status and pseudo-achievements; entitled façade bears little relation to reality; seeks favored and good life; is upwardly mobile; cultivates special status and advantages by association.
Normal narcissistLeast severe and most interpersonally concerned and empathetic, still entitled and deficient in reciprocity; bold in environments, self-confident, competitive, seeks high targets, feels unique; talent in leadership positions; expecting of recognition from others.

As predicted, she's whining and lashing out:

21-3-8 Meghan 'didn't want to be alive any more' [Yeah, right! That's why she made no suicide attempt, but broke up the family.] 

In a deeply [nauseatingly] personal [victimization-whining] TV interview, Meghan tells Oprah Winfrey that she did not get help when she asked for it. [Yeah, right!] Skin colour remark 'not Queen nor Duke' - Oprah . The prince said they were not the ones behind comments on "how dark" their baby would be, says TV host. [And, of course, hinting at racial victimization appears to be a red herring to deflect from the much more believable accusations that Wanna-be-Princess bullied her staff.]

Meghan accuses palace of 'perpetuating falsehoods' - Oprah clip - Guardian > .

Buckingham Palace investigates bullying claims against Duchess of Sussex - BBC > .

Buckingham Palace has said it's “very concerned” by reports that the Duchess of Sussex was accused of bullying her staff during her time at Kensington Palace. The claims were made by former staff of Harry and Meghan and the Palace says it will investigate the circumstances. For her part the duchess is said to be “saddened” by reports of a bullying complaint which is seen as the “latest attack on her character”. [Saddened? I expect that she's actually furious.]

Whom to believe? What possible reason could staff and royals have for "inventing falsehoods" about Harry's mistaken choice of wife? After all, palace policy is typically to downplay scandal, not to invite it. 

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