Monday, March 15, 2021

Hypocrisy Unlimited

Riddle: What kind of man is likeliest to be eager to eschew marriage in favor of control-freak CONservativism? 
Answer: Deluded authoritarian homosexuals, pedophiles, homosexual pedophiles, and asexuals.

The Catholic Church Pedophile Protection Agency and Homosexual Refuge does not have the power to bless same-sex unions, the Vatican office responsible for doctrine has said. It is "impossible" for God to "bless sin", the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) said on Monday.

1) There is no good evidence for the actual (as distinct from merely conceptual) existence of a "God" of any of the tens of thousands of invented descriptions.
2) If there were a "God", then it behooves that deity, not the Pedophile Protection Agency and Homosexual Refuge, to manifest and clearly declare whether or not She/He/It is unable to bless unions. Claiming to speak for "God" is not sufficient authority. 
3) Claiming that "God" labelled homosexuality a "sin" is false. No biblical verse explicitly describes homosexuality as a "sin". 
4) Claiming that a particular activity/propensity is a "sin" constitutes a circular argument in so far as the definition is not independent of Church "teachings".

No wonder the Pedophile Protection Agency and Homosexual Refuge is focusing its proselytizing on developing countries were educational levels are inadequate to equip religionist-targets with the power of logical, critical assessment of the utter lack of incontrovertible evidence and cogent arguments to support the claims of Hypocritical Princes of "Universal" Delusionism.

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