Sunday, March 28, 2021

More Me-Again Trouble

TV personality Sharon Osbourne has left US chat show The Talk after a heated on-air debate [squabble?] about racism earlier this month. Osbourne defended broadcaster Piers Morgan over his criticism of a high-profile TV interview given by the Duchess of Sussex. That led to a clash with co-host Sheryl Underwood [black], who accused Osbourne [white] of giving "validation" to "racist" views. 

[I'm confident that, if the opponent's skin colors were reversed, the outcome would have been different. I have never seen either participant in action, so I don't have a personal opinion about either participant. However, I do maintain that character counts and pigmentation shouldn't.

Racism comprises unjust victimization of individuals purely because of skin color or ancestry. Racism also comprises unjustified exoneration of individuals purely because of skin color or ancestry.

When an individual lies and manipulates for personal gain or attention, the duplicitous behavior should not be exempt from criticism because of false race-card claims of victimization [whatever the individual's pigmentation]. Those individuals who behave badly because of personality defects and/or self-serving motivation should be judged on their behavior, not on irrelevant features such as of skin color or ancestry. Historic and current racially-motivated attempts to deprive individuals of civic rights damage society.

I suspect that caving to cancel culture mob-rule pressure will ultimately evoke a justified backlash. For example, bigoted wrong-wingers gleefully condemn cancel culture along partisan lines, while new-racists seek revenge rather than emotional maturity.] 

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