Sunday, June 23, 2019

Cyberstrike -- inexorable escalation

"United States Cyber Command on Thursday conducted online attacks against an Iranian intelligence group that American officials believe helped plan the attacks against oil tankers in recent weeks, according to people briefed on the operation.

The intrusion occurred the same day UNpresident Bully-in-Chief [reportedly had a humanitarian -- woops, the polls -- moment and] called off a strike on Iranian targets like radar and missile batteries. But the online operation was allowed to go forward because it was intended to be below the threshold of armed conflict — using the same shadow tactics that Iran has deployed.

The online attacks, which had been planned for several weeks, were ultimately meant to be a direct response to both the tanker attacks this month and the downing of an American drone this week, according to the people briefed on the operations.

Multiple computer systems were targeted, according to people briefed on the operations, including those believed to have been used by an Iranian intelligence group that helped plan the tanker attacks." . .

Susan Rice: How [DUHnocchio] Can Avoid War With Iran: His process of ordering and then canceling military strikes was a mess. But he now has an opening to restart talks on Iran’s nuclear program. .

What a war with Iran could look like > .

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