Monday, June 24, 2019

The attitudes of some Americans are far beyond disgusting

The arrest of a Florida woman who turned in her estranged husband's guns to police after he was held on domestic violence charges has provoked uproar.

On 14 June, following a divorce court meeting, Mr Irby was arrested for domestic aggravated battery after he allegedly ran his wife's vehicle off the road and hit her car with his own, the Lakeland Ledger reported.

Mrs Irby told officers she feared for her life during the incident and had requested restraining orders on Mr Irby in the past. She was subsequently granted another temporary restraining order.

The next day, Mrs Irby went to her husband's apartment, gathered up the firearms and brought them to the Lakeland Police Department.

[Since when does ownership of devices-designed-only-to-kill outweigh the right to LIFE?]

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