Friday, June 21, 2019

Honest nations versus dishonest

The ranking of nations is not particularly surprising --- those who live in wealthier, less inequitable nations can afford the luxury of honesty.

"The study, published in Science, looked at how often people in 40 different countries decided to return a lost wallet to the owner, after the researchers handed it in to the institution in which they said it had been found. Surprisingly, in 38 countries, the wallets with higher sums of money were returned more often than those with smaller amounts. This was the opposite of what the researchers had expected, they thought there would be a minimum dollar value at which participants would begin to keep the money.

Overall, 51% of those who were handed a wallet with smaller amounts of money reported it, compared with 72% for a larger sum [with the exception of Mexico and Chile]. The most honest countries were Switzerland, Norway and the Netherlands whereas the least honest were Peru, Morocco and China." .

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