Friday, September 4, 2020

And some are stupid enough to believe the LIES

[Desperation-in-Chief] and the Attack of the Invisible Anarchists: Lurid fantasies about urban hellscapes are all he has left.

"With only two months left in the presidential campaign, [Sociopath-in-Chief] has evidently decided that he can neither run on his own record nor effectively attack Joe Biden. Instead, he’s running against anarchists who, he insists, secretly rule the Democratic Party and are laying waste to America’s cities.

There’s not much to be said about [Thug-in-Chief’s] claims that people “in the dark shadows” control Biden and that mysterious people dressed in black are menacing Republicans RepuGNicans, except that not long ago it would have been inconceivable for any major-party politician to engage in this kind of conspiracy theorizing.

There’s a bit more to be said about his claims of rampant violence and destruction in “anarchic jurisdictions” — namely, that these claims bear little resemblance to the mostly peaceful reality.

It’s not just the fact that premature reopening led to a huge second wave of infections and deaths. Equally important, from a political point of view, has been COVID-19’s geographical spread.

Early in the pandemic it was possible to portray COVID-19 as a big-city, blue-state problem; voters in rural areas and red states found it easier to dismiss the threat in part because they were relatively unlikely to know people who had gotten sick. But the second surge of infections and deaths was concentrated in the Sunbelt.

And while the Sunbelt surge appears to be slowly subsiding now that state and local governments have done what [Kleptocrat-in-Chief] didn’t want them to do — close bars, ban large gatherings and require masks — there now appears to be a surge in the [believe-LIES] Midwest.

What this means is that by Election Day almost everyone in America will know someone who caught the virus, and will also know that [LIAR-in-Chief’s] repeated promises that it was going away were [self-serving and, typical of the LIAR] false."

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