Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Classic Black Chip

Of Course Kamala Harris Is Articulate: Describing her this way sends a message that you think most Black people are not.

Bernie Sanders praised [Kamala Harris] in an interview on MSNBC: “I will tell you that Kamala is very smart, very aggressive, very articulate.”


Steve Schmidt, said of Ms. Harris: “a formidable political leader in this country,” adding: “She’s smart. She’s quick on her feet. She’s articulate.”

[In themselves, those words are accurate, complimentary, and NON-racist. However, although not denying that too many white Americans have mistreated and disrespected the descendants of imported slaves, I have grown tired of recent reverse-racist determination to find poor-victimized-us insults where none were intended.]

Here's the Sanders quote with inserted slight-taking: "Bernie Sanders praised her in an interview on MSNBC: “I will tell you that Kamala is very smart, very aggressive,” he said. And then he delivered the inevitable, racialized compliment that makes many African-Americans cringe: “very articulate.”"

[The authors of the insertion presumably hope to promote a book titled: "“Articulate While Black: Barack Obama, Language, and Race in the U.S.”" 

Good grief! Most individuals, irrespective of skin color, national origin, or first language are not particularly articulate. Some highly-educated individuals, particularly those parented by academics and academic professionals, ARE articulate. Only a new-racist would see racism in an accurate compliment.]


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