Sunday, September 20, 2020

Bracing for Stupidity Turned Murderous

A poorly-educated, neurotic tribalist and rationality are soon parted ...

Antifa Conspiracy Theories and America’s Unraveling:
 Baseless rumors about wildfires in the West are a sign of danger ahead.

"This is an echo of something I wrote about in June: a hysteria in rural towns that they were about to be attacked by antifa, leading citizens to pull out their guns and gather to fight back. When the invaders never showed up, the vigilantes sometimes regarded this as vindication: They had scared off the attackers.

All this rumormongering leaves me feeling that the social fabric is unraveling, as if the shared understanding of reality that is the basis for any society is eroding. The ugliness also raises a question: If we see this unraveling now when the science is clear and the rumors are so manifestly groundless, then what might happen in November if the election results are close? Brace yourselves."

[Aware that a) he never won the popular vote, b) his approval ratings have fallen towards the 0.000001% he deserves, and c) removal from office will leave Crook-in-Chief vulnerable to the prosecutions he deserves, Bully-in-Chief is dog-whistling for his belligerent supporters to start a civil war.]

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