Sunday, September 13, 2020

The NEW Racism

[To be against racism is to be against the regressive unfairness of racism in ALL its directions. Although black-against-white racism is understandable in a nation with a long and nasty history of slavery and black oppression, the current wave of blame-ALL-whites-for-every-real-and-imagined-slight is simply backlash RACISM. Typical of the media's knee-jerk click-bait failure to consider the big picture, the public is not given a balanced view of statistics.] 

Los Angeles police officers shot in 'ambush':

Two Los Angeles police officers are in a critical condition after being shot in what police are calling an ambush. Video of the incident shows a [short, stocky, black] figure approach the officers' vehicle, before opening fire and running away.

Los Angeles Sheriff Alex Villanueva called the act "cowardly". The suspect remains at large.

Almost 40 US police officers were killed in the line of duty in 2020, FBI statistics show eight of them the victims of an ambush.

[Some cops, particularly American cops, are racist thugs. However, ambush and attempted murder is NOT morally superior to the killing of unarmed (black AND white) citizens and suspects. 

Yes, unarmed whites are killed by trigger-happy cops. Their deaths are simply not reported by the cowardly bend-over-backwards press. America's rampant gun-culture has inevitably left cops scared for their lives in many confrontations --- as a result, blacks and whites are shot first and questions are asked later.]

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