Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Here comes another wave ...

20-9-6 As predicted: U.S. Coronavirus Rates Are Rising Fast Among Children: As some schools begin in-person classes, data compiled by the American Academy of Pediatrics from the summer show that cases, hospitalizations and deaths from the coronavirus have increased at a faster rate in children and teenagers than among the general public.

20-9-6 As predicted: A New Front in America’s Pandemic: College Towns: The coronavirus is spiking around campuses from Texas to Iowa to North Carolina as students return.
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/06/us/colleges-coronavirus-students.html .

20-9-1 Millions of pupils return after historic shut-down:

[Big mistake. Huge. Happily, children are unlikely to die of COVID-19. Unfortunately, like bats, children make excellent disease vectors.]

"We know that, thankfully, most children who get the virus will not be very ill with it - but we still do not know how much children may be spreading it."

In the study, testing only those children with fever, cough or changes in smell or taste would have identified 26 out of 34 or 76% of the symptomatic cases.

Adding gastrointestinal symptoms would have identified nearly all - 33 out of 34 or 97% - of the symptomatic cases, he explained.

"We are finding that diarrhoea and vomiting is a symptom reported by some children and I think adding it to the list of known symptoms is worth considering," Dr Waterfield said.

[A minority of adults primarily suffer gastrointestinal symptoms too.]

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