Thursday, October 8, 2020

Desperate Plots

cf Thuggish and Present Danger ..

FBI busts militia 'plot' to abduct Michigan Gov Gretchen Whitmer: 

The FBI says it has thwarted a plot to abduct and overthrow Michigan's Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Mrs Whitmer has become a target of coronavirus sceptics after enacting strict mitigation measures that were overturned by a judge last week.

Officials say the kidnapping plot involved six men who planned to hold a "treason trial" for her. What were they allegedly planning?

According to a sworn FBI affidavit, an undercover law enforcement source attended a June meeting in Dublin, Ohio, where a group of Michigan-based militia members discussed overthrowing state governments "that they believed were violating the US Constitution". 

[As though kidnapping in an attempt to overthrow an elected government is in accord with the law or with their precious Constitution. As though accepting laundered money and consorting with a foreign government do not constitute better grounds for a treason trial.]

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