Friday, October 9, 2020

Height of Self-Serving Irresponsibility

Top US virus expert Dr Anthony Fauci has criticised the White House for hosting a gathering last month that has been linked to an outbreak of COVID-19. Dr Fauci, a member of the White House's coronavirus task force, said the UNpresident's unveiling of his judicial nominee was a "superspreader event". Dozens of White House aides and other contacts were reportedly infected.

UNpresident Pathogen-in-Cheat's doctors have just cleared him to hold public events as he himself recovers from COVID-19. LIAR-in-Chief - who was discharged from hospital on Monday after three nights - held a medical "evaluation" on FAUX Lies on Friday night. He is expected to host an in-person White House event on Saturday.

[Needless to say, only fools and the greedy malevolent would attend any event where DUHnocchio is present.]

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