Saturday, October 24, 2020

I beg to differ

"The essence of America is openness. History, geography, immigration and fate have established that. The shrinking of the American mind under Dimwit-in-Cheat therefore amounts, for Americans, to a dangerous denial of themselves. Prolonged for another four years, in a second Idiot-in-Cheat term, it would negate the American idea, without which, at least for this immigrant, the United States, as conceived, with all its flaws, ceases to be." .

Not from the viewpoint of non-USians. Here's a more accurate assessment:
"The essence of America is insular arrogance. History, geography, anti-immigration-sentiment and hubris have established that. The shrinking of the American mind began long before Dimwit-in-Cheat and amounts, in the oh-so average American, to a dangerous denial of science and rationality. Prolonged for another four years, in a second Idiot-in-Cheat term, kleptocracy would negate what little remains of America's stated ideals, the glaring absence of which, at least for non-Normegian immigrants, the United States, as touted, with its unacknowledged hubristic flaws, continues to be vastly overrated."

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