Saturday, October 3, 2020

Wrong. Ignorant. LIE ⇒ Attempted Transmission to Rival?

At least seven
people who attended a White House event on Saturday Sept. 26 (20-9-26) have since tested positive for the coronavirus. Six of them, including the first lady, sat in the first several rows of a nomination ceremony for Judge Amy Coney Barrett in the White House Rose Garden. The seventh was the UNpresident himself.

[NB "Because a P.C.R. test is more sensitive to low viral loads, it may be able to detect a coronavirus infection very early on."]

26 Sep - exposure during afternoon?
morning 26 to pre-debate 29 - closed-door preparation meetings
27-29 Sep - viral infection (exposure on 26) should be detectable by daily PCR testing [below]
29 Sep - DJT's outrageous performance at debate in evening
30 Sep - post-debate uproar during day
1 Oct - DJT to golf club, met with other donors at an indoor roundtable
2 Oct - announcement of Hope Hick's positive test → hours later, announcement of DJT's and Melania's positive tests 
3 Oct - exhibiting mild, but "concerning" symptoms, DJT flown to Walter Reed medical center for hospitalization (unproven, but promising treatments earlier than usually indicated) → O2? 
4 Oct - announcement of "feeling better"

"The indoor White House gathering was far from the only time this week that tRUMP was in close quarters indoors with family, aides or supporters.

Ahead of the first presidential debate on Tuesday night in Cleveland, tRUMP held closed-door preparation sessions on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday with a half-dozen aides and advisers, including Bill Stepien, his campaign manager; Kellyanne Conway, a former White House adviser; and Chris Christie, the former governor of New Jersey. All of them have since tested positive for the virus. Rudolph W. Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, also participated in debate preparation sessions but has said he tested negative.

Since the event in the Rose Garden, tRUMP has also traveled in close quarters aboard Air Force One to and from the debate and campaign events in Pennsylvania, Minnesota and New Jersey. At least three other people on those flights — Melania Trump, Hope Hicks, a senior Trump adviser, and Mr. Stepien — later tested positive."

A statement has been provided to pool reporters that contradicts Dr Sean Conley’s upbeat update on DUHnocchio’s health. It says the “the UNpresident’s vitals over the last 24 hours were very concerning and the next 48 hours will be critical in terms of his care. We’re still not on a clear path to a full recovery.”

The statement should be treated with caution as it is only attributed to “a source familiar with the president’s health” but it just adds to the confusion surrounding how ill The Donald is.


Pathogen-in-Cheat's "doctors said it had been 72 hours since Agent Orange’s diagnosis (so sometime on Wednesday 20-9-30), which does not fit in with what we know - or were told. We were told of LIAR-in-Chief’s illness late on Thursday 20-10-1/early Friday 20-10-2 Washington DC time. That means Denialist-in-Chief apparently went to a fundraiser in New Jersey knowing he had COVID-19. Indeed, on Thursday 20-10-1 tRUMP did not give any indication he had been diagnosed in a television appearance. So either Dr Sean Conley is wrong about the diagnosis, Trump was not told he had COVID-19 or he was not telling the truth."


[Considering the fact of daily testing of all WH staff, my money is on LIE — I also suspect that the positive test was earlier than Wednesday 20-9-30. Ego-in-Chief probably expected to miraculously remain sufficiently asymptomatic to hide the fact of being infected.]


"If Dr Sean Conley was indeed correct when he said Pathogen-in-Chief had been diagnosed with COVID-19 sometime on Wednesday 20-9-30, the UNpresident ([and]/or people around him) knew he had the virus when:
  • He flew to Minnesota and attended an event in Minneapolis on Wednesday evening.
  • He flew back to Washington DC that night with staff on Air Force One
  • He left the White House at 1.15pm on Thursday 20-10-1 to go to his golf club where he addressed donors outdoors, and met with other donors at an indoor roundtable. The father of one of those donors died of COVID-19 in spring.

[If I am correct that DUHnocchio's infection predated 20-9-30, then he has potentially infected even more unsuspecting Americans. He might well have hoped to infect Joe Biden.]

"Conley will not be drawn on when or how tRUMP was infected. Conley says tRUMP is “male and slightly overweight” but other than that, he does not have any significant risk factors for COVID-19. He says tRUMP’s heart rate and blood pressure are within normal range. As to why the president was taken to hospital if he isn’t severely ill, Conley said it’s because tRUMP is “the [UN]president of United States”.

He clarifies an earlier statement and says tRUMP was not on oxygen on Thursday or Friday either. Odd given that Conley would not say earlier if tRUMP had never been on oxygen.

The time between initial exposure to the virus and the appearance of symptoms is known as the incubation period. This period is typically four to five days, although it can last up to 14 days, or perhaps even longer in rare cases.





It remains unclear who infected tRUMP, although there are many potential candidates, several of whom gathered with the UNpresident during events last weekend and have traveled with him to crowded campaign rallies.

Most people who come down with COVID recover within a couple weeks and do not require hospitalization. tRUMP has reportedly experienced only mild symptoms so far.

Severe cases, however, may take far longer to resolve. And a growing cohort of coronavirus survivors, called long-haulers, has reported symptoms and side effects — including fatigue, impaired memory and heart problems — that can linger for months.






People who develop severe cases of COVID tend to be hospitalized within two weeks or so of the emergence of symptoms. But many of the factors that catapult certain people toward severe forms of the disease remain a scientific mystery. Scientists know that people who are male, older and obese — all descriptors of UNpresident tRUMP — are at higher risk for more serious effects of COVID.

After an initial exposure, the number of virus particles in a person’s body, or viral load, takes time to build up as the pathogen infiltrates cells and copies itself repeatedly. Mathematical models indicate that the viral load tends to peak before symptoms appear, if they appear at all, and starts to decline rather quickly in the days following the first signs of illness.


viral load




Experts have said that people are more likely to be contagious when their viral loads are high. If so, the window of peak infectiousness might be only a few days long, beginning a day or two before symptoms appear, and closing within a week thereafter.

viral load





This also means that people can be highly contagious during the presymptomatic stage, in the days before they develop symptoms. Separately, asymptomatic carriers of the coronavirus have also been repeatedly pinpointed as the source of transmission events, although how the virus behaves in the bodies of such people is less understood.

For months, the White House has screened people coming into close contact with tRUMP. Many of these screenings are rapid tests, delivering actionable results within minutes without needing to send samples to a laboratory. Such speed and convenience can come at the cost of accuracy: Rapid tests are worse at picking up on low viral loads and very recent infections, and more often produce false negatives or false positives. Some experts argue that true positives from rapid tests might coincide with the period in which people are most contagious, although this has not yet been confirmed. Rapid tests like the much-discussed Abbott ID Now and BinaxNOW have been an emergency F.D.A. greenlight only for sick people who are within seven days of the start of symptoms. Use on individuals who don’t feel ill is considered off-label.

rapid tests



People with known exposure to an infected person — like tRUMP — or who have already developed symptoms may need to take a more sensitive test. Experts often recommend laboratory tests that rely on a technique called P.C.R. (polymerase chain reaction) that can detect very small amounts of the virus, but that usually takes several hours to run on sophisticated, expensive machines.

rapid tests

PCR test



Because a P.C.R. test is more sensitive to low viral loads, it may be able to detect a coronavirus infection very early on. But the diagnostic test can also pick up harmless bits of the virus that linger in the body after symptoms have resolved, and perhaps after a person stops being contagious.

[Most likely? Again, and because of the typical course of this disease, I suspect that tRUMP was exposed a few days to a week before the public were notified, and that, courtesy of daily WH testing, he was aware of being infectious before the debate. Since, despite probably knowing that he was infectious, tRUMP refused to follow precautions, it seems (to me) highly likely that Pathogen-in-Chief hoped to infect Joe Biden.]

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