Friday, October 2, 2020

Wolf! Wolf Wolf?

LIAR-in-Chief LIES. Idiot-in-Chief lurches from self-inflicted disaster to self-inflicted disaster. Scammer-in-Cheat has repeatedly manufactured distractions from his latest egregious nonsense. 

I'm prepared to believe that Hope Hicks has tested positive. If she has, I would not be surprised if Pathogen-in-Chief subsequently  in about 2 days  tested positive. However, judging by her behavior, I doubt that Melania spends much time in close contact with World's-Most-Odious-Husband. So claiming within hours that Melania too has tested positive looks VERY suspicious. 

Conclusion? Hope Hicks might have genuinely tested positive, but it is more likely that the WH has seized an opportunity to HIDE from consequences than that DUHnocchio & Gold-Digger are also ill.

How should we react? Let's wait and see whether Obesity-in-Chief will  in about 2 weeks  require hospitalization with-or-without intubation. Let's wait and see whether Obesity-in-Chief will  in about 1 month  permanently succumb to COVID-19.

In the meantime, media attention should be on DUHnocchio's 4+ year history of deceit, disgusting behavior, ineptitude, income tax evasion, crimes, and treasonous activity.

Jon Meacham: History Says To Treat Medical Reports From The WH As 'Incomplete' At Best > .

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