Thursday, April 30, 2020

So What? The WEST wants rid of Agent Orange

Coronavirus: DUHnocchio says China wants him to lose re-election .

I daresay that Narcissist-in-Chief imagines that blaming DUHsuckers' enemy-du-jour will boost his chances of another successful rigging. 

DUHsuckers are DUHsuckers because they ignore/don't care about the opinions of sane Westerners who will be ecstatic to see the end, by whatever means, of America's loathsome mistake.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Chile volunteering to be UNcontrolled group?

Coronavirus: Chile to introduce controversial certificate: Chile's government has said it will go ahead with a controversial plan to issue certificates to people who have recovered from COVID-19. The documents would be given to people to allow them to return to work.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has said there is "no evidence" that people who contract coronavirus are immune from being infected again. The WHO says "immunity" certificates could help the virus spread.

SNL goes viral

Warning: degenerates into ... er ... corny narcissism after 0:58. Picks up at 2:44.
Tom Hanks monologue > .
Kate McKinnon as RBG > .
Alec Baldwin as Disaster-in-Chief > .

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Sarcastic Response to Dicktor DUH

A Spoonful of Chlorox - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody > .

Coronavirus: Doctors dismantle LIAR-in-Chief's treatment comments: On 20-4-23, during the White House coronavirus taskforce briefing, UNpresident Idiot-in-Chief attracted widespread criticism after he suggested research into whether Covid-19 might be treated by injecting disinfectant into the body. He also appeared to propose irradiating patients' bodies with UV light, an idea dismissed by Dr Deborah Birx at the briefing.

On 20-4-24, DUHnocchio LIED that his comments had been made "sarcastically".

However, doctors warned that some people [particularly the uneducated who admire the world's dimmest "leader"] might take the UNpresident's comments to heart. Speaking to the BBC, Dr Jonathan Spicer warned that "these products have corrosive properties that melt or destroy the lining of our innards."

Friday, April 24, 2020

External use ONLY

Because Bully-in-Chief's CONned supporters are foolish enough to believe the infamous LIAR ... Coronavirus: Disinfectant firm warns after Ignoramus-in-Chief comments.

"A leading disinfectant producer has issued a strong warning not to use its products on the human body after Moron-in-Chief suggested they could potentially be used to treat coronavirus. Reckitt Benckiser said "under no circumstance" should its products be injected or ingested. Disinfectants are hazardous substances and can be poisonous if ingestedEven external exposure can be dangerous to the skin, eyes and respiratory system.

On 40-4-24, Backpedaler-in-Chief  LIED that his comments during 40-4-23's [predictably idiotic self-promoting] coronavirus taskforce briefing had been made "sarcastically". [Pure excuse---those without functional frontal lobes lack a sense-of-humor.]

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Anti-authority Authoritarians

Who’s Behind the ‘Reopen’ Protests?: They are anything but spontaneous.

[Modified for emphasis and accuracy] 

"I [Lisa Graves] first became aware of the political influence of Charles and David Koch in 2009 when I started looking into who was behind the protests at health care town halls.

The Poison Tea Party, formed after America elected its first black president, used a series of health care town halls to spur angry RepuGNicans to oppose the Affordable Care Act as a socialist [read, someone we-consider-undeserving might benefit] takeover of American medicine. Little matter that it was modeled on a plan devised by Mitt Romney, a Republican, when he was the governor of Massachusetts.

Such false claims about the act have not aged well, as millions of Americans now depend on the law for health care coverage as the coronavirus contagion sweeps across the nation. And yet a Poison Tea Party co-founder, Mark Meckler, is using the same tactics and same phony claims to stir his followers to protest against governors seeking to mitigate the Covid-19 death toll by closing businesses and banning public gatherings.

That public anger is both real and manufactured. The same was true in 2009, when the Koch fortune fueled the Poison Tea Party’s attacks on the Obama administration’s health care law.

Still, the legend that the Poison Tea Party was a spontaneous uprising took hold and continues to be peddled. As we face Poison Tea Party 2.0, let’s not be fooled again.

The protests playing out now have the same feel as the Poison Tea Party protests aided by Koch-financed Americans for [Billionaires'] Prosperity and others a decade ago — and with good reason: Early evidence suggests they are not organic but a brush fire being stoked by some of the same people and money that built the Poison Tea Party.

Look no further than the first protest organized by the Michigan CONservative Coalition and the Michigan Freedom [to Profit] Fund — whose chairman manages the vast financial investments of Dick and Ditsy DeVos, the Education Secretary Destroyer — to see that the campaign to “open” America flows from the superrich and their front groups.

Stephen Moore — a fellow at the Heritage Inheritance Foundation, a Koch ally and a Crook-in-Chief adviser — admitted as much in a video (report). Moore is now leading an enterprise to end the virus precautions called Save Sicken Our Country, which includes the Koch-backed American Legislative Exchange Damage Council. Moore boasted that he has been working behind the scenes with a CONservative donor who agreed to cover bail and legal fees for demonstrators who get arrested for defying Wisconsin’s virus protective measures."

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Hell's Bells :(

20-4-24 Nova Scotia gunman's first victim was girlfriend, who survived .

The [violent-lunatic] gunman behind Canada's worst mass shooting began his crime spree by assaulting his girlfriend, police report. She hid from him in the woods overnight, and has become a key witness in the ensuing investigation.

Police believe Gabriel Wortman killed 22 people over a 12-hour time period across the province of Nova Scotia. They say he knew several of his victims, but also targeted strangers and good Samaritans who intervened.
20-4-21 Canada shooting: Death toll in Nova Scotia rises to 23 22.

20-4-18 [Canada turning into America?] Canada shooting: Gunman kills at least 16 in rural Canada:

A gunman who dressed as a policeman killed at least 16 people, including a female police officer, in Portapique, in the province of Nova Scotia. The 12-hour rampage ended in a car chase. The attacker is also dead.

Police earlier said the suspect was driving what appeared to be a police car. The gunman shot people in several locations across Nova Scotia which meant authorities were still trying to establish the final death toll, police said on Sunday. The police warned that there may be more victims.
Mass shootings are relatively rare in Canada where gun ownership laws are stricter than in the neighbouring [gun-happy-lunatic riddled] United States.

In 2019, two fugitive teenagers confessed to killing three people, including an Australian-US couple on holiday, in northern British Columbia. In 1989, a college shooting in Quebec left 14 women dead after the killer sent all the men out of the classroom and opened fire.

Yup. Unfettering of greed is destroying the US

Bernie Sanders: The Foundations of American Society Are Failing UsThe unequal impact of the pandemic and economic collapse are forcing us to rethink the assumptions of our system.

"In the midst of the twin crises that we face — the coronavirus pandemic and the meltdown of our economy — it’s imperative that we re-examine some of the foundations of American society, understand why they are failing us, and fight for a fairer and more just nation.

The absurdity and cruelty of our employer-based, private [profiteering] health insurance system should now be apparent to all. As tens of millions of Americans are losing their jobs and incomes as a result of the pandemic, many of them are also losing their health insurance. That is what happens when health care is seen as an employee benefit, not a guaranteed right. As we move forward beyond the pandemic, we need to pass legislation that finally guarantees health care to every man, woman and child — available to people employed or unemployed, at every age."

["Greatest nation" ... "checks and balances" ... "Boston Tea Party" ... "No taxation_" ... "Founding Fathers" ... exclusive worship of self-empowering Amendments ... "American dream (0f unlimited wealth and power)" ... "American Isolationism / Exceptionalism / Policing of Globe" ... corporations are "people" ... blah, blah, blah. America First in COVID-19 cases/deaths. America First in glaringly incompetent UNpresident and Badministration. Great---as distinct from wealthy and powerful---for the first time would be an admirable goal. Most Westerners are glad that they do not have the misfortune of living and dying in the nation politically exposed as a regressing-to-3rd-world debacle. If America is to move beyond the pandemic, considerably more than health insurance needs examination and legislative repair.]
America Can Afford a World-Class Health System. Why Don’t We Have One?: Our system takes from the poor and working class to generate wealth for the already wealthy.

Friday, April 17, 2020

They'd be NO loss, but ...

Pitifully small gatherings of DUH-sucker ar8ehole8: C*N*servatives Fuel Protests Against Coronavirus Lockdowns: In addition to the “You Can’t Close America” rally in Austin, Texas, on Saturday, modest demonstrations took place in the capitals of Nevada, Indiana and Maryland.

[Ironic how authoritarians are more likely than liberals to squeal about "personal freedom" while trying to impose their opinions on others.]

Coronavirus: ‘Liberate’ states protesting against lockdown, says Nationalist-Bully-in-Chief:

Protesting lockdown in masks? Probably to disguise their selfish-a88hole identities. Many of the handful of DUH-suckers are obese, almost all appear to be males ... therefore at higher risk than most of dying of COVID-19. Succumbing to the virus would be their prerogative, but only selfish, unpatriotic morons put others---and their nation---at risk.

[Infantile-Idiot-in-Chief] Encourages Protest Against Governors Who Have Imposed Virus Restrictions: [Unable to cope with being shown up as dim and weak] the UNpresident’s stark departure from his message on 20-4-16 night, when he [retreated from claims of absolute power to dictate an end to the shutdown, and] announced guidelines for governors to reopen their states and said they would “call your own shots,” suggested he was ceding any semblance of national leadership on the pandemic. [Ceding any semblance? The incompetent buffoon cannot cede from something he never achieved.]

"UNpresident Authoritarian-in-Chief on 20-4-17 openly encouraged wrong-wing protests of social distancing restrictions in states with stay-at-home orders, a day after announcing guidelines for how the nation’s governors should carry out an orderly reopening of their communities on their own timetables.

In a series of all-caps tweets that started two minutes after a FAUX Lies report on the protesters, the UNpresident declared, “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” and “LIBERATE MINNESOTA!” — two states whose Democratic governors have imposed strict social distancing restrictions. He also lashed out at Virginia, where the state’s Democratic governor and legislature have pushed for strict gun control measures, saying: “LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!”

His stark departure from the more bipartisan tone of his announcement on 20-4-16 night suggested Nationalist-Idiot-in-Chief was ceding any semblance of national leadership on the pandemic, and choosing instead to divide the country by playing to his [odious, uneducated, unpatriotic, belligerent] political base.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Huge April harvest in UK fields?

Fruit and veg harvests in April in the UK? Eastern Europeans to be flown in to pick fruit and veg .
"Eastern European farm workers are being flown to the UK on charter flights to pick fruit and vegetable crops. British farmers recently warned that crops could be left to rot in the field because of a shortage of seasonal workers from Eastern Europe. Travel restrictions due to the coronavirus lockdown have meant most workers have stayed at home."... "He added that the company has had a good response to a recruitment campaign aimed at local workers. So far 500 British people have registered their interest."

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Beyond the Pale Orange ...

Coronavirus: US to halt funding to WHO, says [petty, vindictive, responsibility-ducking, blaming, incompetent, dimwitted, infantile Bully-in-Chief]

The corpulent orange ....... should not be allowed to supervise the cleaning of toilets, let alone the nation with the most cases of COVID-19.

Infant-in-Chief turns against WHO to mask his own stark failings on Covid-19 crisis: Dishonest decision to pull funding from World Health Organisation will endanger public health

"The US is the WHO’s biggest donor, with funding over $400m a year in both assessed contributions (membership fees) and donations – though it is actually $200m in arrears.

Theoretically the White House cannot block funding of international institutions mandated by Congress. But the Badministration has found ways around such constitutional hurdles on other issues – by simply failing to disburse funds or apply sanctions, for example." [Just as Cheapskate-in-Chief has failed to pay contractors throughout his disreputable, oft-bankrupt career as a real-estate CROOK.]

20-4-23 'Ousted' US vaccine expert Rick Bright to file whistleblower complaintA vaccine expert who says he lost his job because he disagreed with Ignorant-Liar-in-Chief's claims about treatments for Covid-19 is to file a whistleblower complaint, his lawyers say.

Orange Megalomaniac Losing Control

20-4-14 It’s the Worst Possible Time for Wanna-Be-Dictator to Make False Claims of Authority: He does not have “total” authority over states.

"In terms that would even have made President Richard Nixon blush, our commander-in-chief sounded more like the leader of some tinpot dictatorship than of the United States.

Our Constitution was designed to reject such arrogation of power. Separation of powers and federalism aren’t fusty concepts designed to please rebellious aristocrats; they are the living embodiment of our founders’ desire to divide and check power — not vest “total” “authority” in one person, no matter how wise [in this case, spectacularly incompetent, cognitively-challenged, and emotionally-dysfunctional] that person may be."

20-4-14 Coronavirus: Bully-in-Chief feuds with governors over divine-right-of-stars authority

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo accused UNpresident Idiot-in-Chief of "spoiling for a fight", as the US "leader" lashed out at "Democrat Governors". Several states, including New York, have begun cautious talks on reopening, but DUHnocchio has claimed he has "total" power to lift virus lockdowns.

Mr Cuomo refuted the claim on Tuesday as Infant-in-Chief took to Twitter to criticise the governor.

The US is the epicentre of the pandemic with 592,743 cases and 25,239 deaths. New York state has the most cases, with almost 190,000 cases and over 10,000 deaths. However, it has seen signs of improvement, with the number of people hospitalised due to coronavirus falling for the first time on Tuesday.

Cuomo Responds To DUH Claim That States ‘Can’t Do Anything Without His Approval’ > .

Ignoramus-in-Chief claims 'total authority' and attacks media in chaotic coronavirus briefing: In a bizarre tirade, the UNpresident bristled at a suggestion by one of the media that his power was restricted
Infant-in-Chief "has declared in a White House briefing that his “authority is total” when it comes to lockdown rules during the coronavirus pandemic, and he denied that he was weighing firing Dr Anthony Fauci, the country’s foremost infectious diseases expert who sits on the coronavirus task force.

After a weekend reprieve from presidential briefings that have been likened to LIAR-in-Chief rallies for their uninterrupted flow of DUHnocchian id, the UNpresident returned to the lectern on Monday to deliver one of his most bizarre performances yet. .

DUHnocchio's Flagrant, Frightened Incompetence > .

Monday, April 13, 2020


Upset Victory in Wisconsin Supreme Court Race Gives Democrats a Lift: A liberal challenger’s surprise triumph over a Idiot-in-Chief-backed incumbent demonstrated strong turnout and vote-by-mail efforts for the Democrats in a key general election state.

[RepuGNicans can't win except by cheating ... and sometimes not even when they do cheat ....]

"Democrats scored an enormous political and moral victory in Wisconsin on Monday (20-4-13) night when a liberal challenger upset a DUHnocchio-backed incumbent to win a State Supreme Court seat, a down-ballot race that took on unusual significance by demonstrating strong turnout and vote-by-mail efforts in a major presidential battleground state.

The victory, by upward of 90,000 votes as of Monday night, came as a shock to RepuGNicans and Democrats alike in Wisconsin, where contests for president, governor and the state’s high court in the last four years have all been decided by about 30,000 votes or less. It followed weeks of Democratic anger over RepuGNicans’ insistence on holding elections amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Wisconsin’s map on Monday night looked like a dream general election result for former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., the presumptive Democratic nominee — stronger than typical for Democrats in the suburbs and a respectable showing among the state’s blue-collar white voters in rural counties. But officials from both parties cautioned against overinterpreting the Supreme Court results, given the bizarre circumstances surrounding the high court race."

SCotal dysfunction

SCOTUS = unholy alliance between religionist moralistics and corporate greed > .


Airborne Twit > .

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Only in Canada, eh?

Surveillance video captures frantic moments inside convenience store as suspects attempt to flee from police in Spruce Grove, Alberta

Monday, April 6, 2020


Appeals court overturns [pedophile] cardinal's sexual abuse convictions: In 2018, a jury found he abused two boys in Melbourne in the 1990s. [Unfortunately for justice] the High Court of Australia quashed that verdict on Tuesday, meaning the cardinal will immediately stop serving a six-year jail sentence. .

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Dangerous, mind-boggling ineptitude

This Is What Happens When a Narcissist Runs a Crisis: Idiot-in-Chief’s catastrophic performance has as much to do with psychology as ideology.

"Enough is enough. As I’ve argued before, an in-person analysis of DUHnocchio would not reveal any hidden depths — his internal sonar could barely fathom the bottom of a sink — and these are exceptional, urgent times. Back in October, George T. Conway III, the conservative lawyer and husband of Kellyanne, wrote a long, devastating essay for The Atlantic, noting that Sociopath-in-Chief has all the hallmarks of narcissistic personality disorder. That disorder was dangerous enough during times of prosperity, jeopardizing the moral and institutional foundations of our country.

But now we’re in the midst of a global pandemic. The UNpresident’s pathology is endangering not just institutions, but lives."
"What that means, during this pandemic: LIAR-in-Chief says we’ve got plenty of tests available, when we don’t. He declares that Google is building a comprehensive drive-thru testing website, when it isn’t. He sends a Navy hospital ship to New York and it proves little more than an excuse for a campaign commercial, arriving and sitting almost empty in the Hudson. A New York hospital executive calls it a joke."
"Every aspect of Egomaniac-in-Chief’s crisis management has been annexed by his psychopathology. As Americans die, he boasts about his television ratings. As Americans die, he crows that he’s No. 1 on Facebook, which isn’t close to true.

Unfortunately, "it is true that all eyes are on him. He’s got a captive audience, an attention-addict’s dream come to life. It’s just that he, like all narcissistic personalities, has no clue how disgracefully — how shamefully, how deplorably — he’ll be enshrined in memory."

[Stupid and malevolent though DUHnocchio is, he is symptomatic of an enormous problem in America -- voters dim, desperate, duped, or deplorable enough not to realize that profoundly dysfunctional, dishonest dimwits do not deserve anyone's vote.]

Friday, April 3, 2020

Formal Chain of WHITEWASHING

20-4-13 Coronavirus: First sailor on virus-stricken USS Roosevelt dies.
"In removing Captain Crozier from command, senior Navy officials said they were protecting the historic [superior-officer protecting] practice that complaints and requests have to go up a formal chain of command. They argued that by sending his concerns to 20 or 30 people in a message that eventually leaked to news organizations, Captain Crozier showed he was no longer fit to lead the fast-moving effort to treat the crew and clean the ship. [NOT no longer fit to lead the effort, but clearly lacking trust in the naval hierarchy.]

His removal from prestigious command of an aircraft carrier with almost 5,000 crew members has taken on an added significance, as his punishment is viewed by some in the military as indicative of the government’s handling of the entire pandemic, with public officials presenting upbeat pictures of the government’s response, while contrary voices are silenced."

[Er, yup, just like China's face-saving attempts to cover up the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 and their subsequent silencing of criticism [read, truth telling].]

"A Navy official familiar with the situation but not authorized to speak publicly about it said that the captain had repeatedly asked his superiors for speedy action to evacuate the ship. His letter, the official said, came because the Navy was still minimizing the risk."
[Heavily criticized] U.S. Navy now says commander who sounded COVID-19 alarm will be reassigned: Navy Secretary says Capt. Brett Crozier exercised poor judgement, could face disciplinary action 

[Pffftt ... if senior officers had acted expeditiously and appropriately, Crozier would not have needed to take the drastic public step in order to save the lives of the men under his command. My bet is that they will bank on short public memories and let this blow over.]