Saturday, April 25, 2020

Sarcastic Response to Dicktor DUH

A Spoonful of Chlorox - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody > .

Coronavirus: Doctors dismantle LIAR-in-Chief's treatment comments: On 20-4-23, during the White House coronavirus taskforce briefing, UNpresident Idiot-in-Chief attracted widespread criticism after he suggested research into whether Covid-19 might be treated by injecting disinfectant into the body. He also appeared to propose irradiating patients' bodies with UV light, an idea dismissed by Dr Deborah Birx at the briefing.

On 20-4-24, DUHnocchio LIED that his comments had been made "sarcastically".

However, doctors warned that some people [particularly the uneducated who admire the world's dimmest "leader"] might take the UNpresident's comments to heart. Speaking to the BBC, Dr Jonathan Spicer warned that "these products have corrosive properties that melt or destroy the lining of our innards."

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