Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Beyond the Pale Orange ...

Coronavirus: US to halt funding to WHO, says [petty, vindictive, responsibility-ducking, blaming, incompetent, dimwitted, infantile Bully-in-Chief]

The corpulent orange ....... should not be allowed to supervise the cleaning of toilets, let alone the nation with the most cases of COVID-19.

Infant-in-Chief turns against WHO to mask his own stark failings on Covid-19 crisis: Dishonest decision to pull funding from World Health Organisation will endanger public health

"The US is the WHO’s biggest donor, with funding over $400m a year in both assessed contributions (membership fees) and donations – though it is actually $200m in arrears.

Theoretically the White House cannot block funding of international institutions mandated by Congress. But the Badministration has found ways around such constitutional hurdles on other issues – by simply failing to disburse funds or apply sanctions, for example." [Just as Cheapskate-in-Chief has failed to pay contractors throughout his disreputable, oft-bankrupt career as a real-estate CROOK.]

20-4-23 'Ousted' US vaccine expert Rick Bright to file whistleblower complaintA vaccine expert who says he lost his job because he disagreed with Ignorant-Liar-in-Chief's claims about treatments for Covid-19 is to file a whistleblower complaint, his lawyers say.

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