Friday, April 24, 2020

External use ONLY

Because Bully-in-Chief's CONned supporters are foolish enough to believe the infamous LIAR ... Coronavirus: Disinfectant firm warns after Ignoramus-in-Chief comments.

"A leading disinfectant producer has issued a strong warning not to use its products on the human body after Moron-in-Chief suggested they could potentially be used to treat coronavirus. Reckitt Benckiser said "under no circumstance" should its products be injected or ingested. Disinfectants are hazardous substances and can be poisonous if ingestedEven external exposure can be dangerous to the skin, eyes and respiratory system.

On 40-4-24, Backpedaler-in-Chief  LIED that his comments during 40-4-23's [predictably idiotic self-promoting] coronavirus taskforce briefing had been made "sarcastically". [Pure excuse---those without functional frontal lobes lack a sense-of-humor.]

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