Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Orange Megalomaniac Losing Control

20-4-14 It’s the Worst Possible Time for Wanna-Be-Dictator to Make False Claims of Authority: He does not have “total” authority over states.

"In terms that would even have made President Richard Nixon blush, our commander-in-chief sounded more like the leader of some tinpot dictatorship than of the United States.

Our Constitution was designed to reject such arrogation of power. Separation of powers and federalism aren’t fusty concepts designed to please rebellious aristocrats; they are the living embodiment of our founders’ desire to divide and check power — not vest “total” “authority” in one person, no matter how wise [in this case, spectacularly incompetent, cognitively-challenged, and emotionally-dysfunctional] that person may be."

20-4-14 Coronavirus: Bully-in-Chief feuds with governors over divine-right-of-stars authority

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo accused UNpresident Idiot-in-Chief of "spoiling for a fight", as the US "leader" lashed out at "Democrat Governors". Several states, including New York, have begun cautious talks on reopening, but DUHnocchio has claimed he has "total" power to lift virus lockdowns.

Mr Cuomo refuted the claim on Tuesday as Infant-in-Chief took to Twitter to criticise the governor.

The US is the epicentre of the pandemic with 592,743 cases and 25,239 deaths. New York state has the most cases, with almost 190,000 cases and over 10,000 deaths. However, it has seen signs of improvement, with the number of people hospitalised due to coronavirus falling for the first time on Tuesday.

Cuomo Responds To DUH Claim That States ‘Can’t Do Anything Without His Approval’ > .

Ignoramus-in-Chief claims 'total authority' and attacks media in chaotic coronavirus briefing: In a bizarre tirade, the UNpresident bristled at a suggestion by one of the media that his power was restricted
Infant-in-Chief "has declared in a White House briefing that his “authority is total” when it comes to lockdown rules during the coronavirus pandemic, and he denied that he was weighing firing Dr Anthony Fauci, the country’s foremost infectious diseases expert who sits on the coronavirus task force.

After a weekend reprieve from presidential briefings that have been likened to LIAR-in-Chief rallies for their uninterrupted flow of DUHnocchian id, the UNpresident returned to the lectern on Monday to deliver one of his most bizarre performances yet.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/13/trump-us-coronavirus-briefing-latest-media .

DUHnocchio's Flagrant, Frightened Incompetence > .

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