Sunday, April 5, 2020

Dangerous, mind-boggling ineptitude

This Is What Happens When a Narcissist Runs a Crisis: Idiot-in-Chief’s catastrophic performance has as much to do with psychology as ideology.

"Enough is enough. As I’ve argued before, an in-person analysis of DUHnocchio would not reveal any hidden depths — his internal sonar could barely fathom the bottom of a sink — and these are exceptional, urgent times. Back in October, George T. Conway III, the conservative lawyer and husband of Kellyanne, wrote a long, devastating essay for The Atlantic, noting that Sociopath-in-Chief has all the hallmarks of narcissistic personality disorder. That disorder was dangerous enough during times of prosperity, jeopardizing the moral and institutional foundations of our country.

But now we’re in the midst of a global pandemic. The UNpresident’s pathology is endangering not just institutions, but lives."
"What that means, during this pandemic: LIAR-in-Chief says we’ve got plenty of tests available, when we don’t. He declares that Google is building a comprehensive drive-thru testing website, when it isn’t. He sends a Navy hospital ship to New York and it proves little more than an excuse for a campaign commercial, arriving and sitting almost empty in the Hudson. A New York hospital executive calls it a joke."
"Every aspect of Egomaniac-in-Chief’s crisis management has been annexed by his psychopathology. As Americans die, he boasts about his television ratings. As Americans die, he crows that he’s No. 1 on Facebook, which isn’t close to true.

Unfortunately, "it is true that all eyes are on him. He’s got a captive audience, an attention-addict’s dream come to life. It’s just that he, like all narcissistic personalities, has no clue how disgracefully — how shamefully, how deplorably — he’ll be enshrined in memory."

[Stupid and malevolent though DUHnocchio is, he is symptomatic of an enormous problem in America -- voters dim, desperate, duped, or deplorable enough not to realize that profoundly dysfunctional, dishonest dimwits do not deserve anyone's vote.]

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