Friday, April 17, 2020

They'd be NO loss, but ...

Pitifully small gatherings of DUH-sucker ar8ehole8: C*N*servatives Fuel Protests Against Coronavirus Lockdowns: In addition to the “You Can’t Close America” rally in Austin, Texas, on Saturday, modest demonstrations took place in the capitals of Nevada, Indiana and Maryland.

[Ironic how authoritarians are more likely than liberals to squeal about "personal freedom" while trying to impose their opinions on others.]

Coronavirus: ‘Liberate’ states protesting against lockdown, says Nationalist-Bully-in-Chief:

Protesting lockdown in masks? Probably to disguise their selfish-a88hole identities. Many of the handful of DUH-suckers are obese, almost all appear to be males ... therefore at higher risk than most of dying of COVID-19. Succumbing to the virus would be their prerogative, but only selfish, unpatriotic morons put others---and their nation---at risk.

[Infantile-Idiot-in-Chief] Encourages Protest Against Governors Who Have Imposed Virus Restrictions: [Unable to cope with being shown up as dim and weak] the UNpresident’s stark departure from his message on 20-4-16 night, when he [retreated from claims of absolute power to dictate an end to the shutdown, and] announced guidelines for governors to reopen their states and said they would “call your own shots,” suggested he was ceding any semblance of national leadership on the pandemic. [Ceding any semblance? The incompetent buffoon cannot cede from something he never achieved.]

"UNpresident Authoritarian-in-Chief on 20-4-17 openly encouraged wrong-wing protests of social distancing restrictions in states with stay-at-home orders, a day after announcing guidelines for how the nation’s governors should carry out an orderly reopening of their communities on their own timetables.

In a series of all-caps tweets that started two minutes after a FAUX Lies report on the protesters, the UNpresident declared, “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” and “LIBERATE MINNESOTA!” — two states whose Democratic governors have imposed strict social distancing restrictions. He also lashed out at Virginia, where the state’s Democratic governor and legislature have pushed for strict gun control measures, saying: “LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!”

His stark departure from the more bipartisan tone of his announcement on 20-4-16 night suggested Nationalist-Idiot-in-Chief was ceding any semblance of national leadership on the pandemic, and choosing instead to divide the country by playing to his [odious, uneducated, unpatriotic, belligerent] political base.

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