Monday, July 13, 2020

Deadly self-delusion

Man, 30, Dies After Attending a ‘COVID Party,’ Texas Hospital Says: “I thought this was a hoax,” the man told his nurse, a hospital official said.

"A 30-year-old patient [statistically twice as likely to be male as female (EDIT = a male)] died after attending a ‘“COVID party”, believing the virus to be a hoax, a Texas medical official has said.

“Just before the patient died, they looked at their nurse and said ‘I think I made a mistake, I thought this was a hoax, but it’s not,’” said Dr Jane Appleby, the chief medical officer at Methodist hospital in San Antonio.

Appleby said: “I don’t want to be an alarmist, and we’re just trying to share some real-world examples to help our community realise that this virus is very serious and can spread easily.”

A “COVID party” is a gathering held by somebody diagnosed with coronavirus to see if the virus is real and to see if anyone gets infected, she explained."

[Self-delusion? Tragic self-delusion. Despite abundant evidence on reputable sources that SARS-CoV-2 can be debilitating or deadly—mostly to the elderly with health issues, but also to young previously-healthy individuals—some choose to hold self-serving (let's party!) beliefs counter to the evidence. In the USA it appears that willful disbelievers—and obstinate mask-eschewers—are more likely to be CONservative DUHnocchio supporters who swallow DUH's and FAUX's habitual lies and place their lives (and others' lives) at risk by attending rallies, rushing to bars, attending raves, and stupidly hosting or attending COVID parties. Alas, this is natural selection at work. Sad, but difficult to prevent when a partisan segment of the population has been trained to distrust legitimate authorities. Thus, paranoia-indoctrinated denialists cannot be informed or policed into sensible behavior. Lamentable, yes, but believing LIES is their option. However, it is unconscionable to place health professionals and essential workers at unnecessary risk.]

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