Monday, July 6, 2020

Regrettably predictable backlash

Frederick Douglass: Historic US black activist's statue toppled:

A statue of the 19th Century US black activist Frederick Douglass has been toppled in New York state. It appears to have been vandalised on 5 July - the anniversary of a famous speech the former slave gave in 1852. In it he said Independence Day celebrations were a sham in a nation that still enslaved its black citizens.

His statue, in the city of Rochester, could have been targeted in retaliation for attacks on monuments linked to slavery, activists said.

[Unfortunately, some BLM-protesters are pushing an inflammatory vengeance-oriented anti-white agenda, rather than an inclusive pro-justice, pro-fairness message. Justified sentiments do not guarantee a talent for effective public relations. cf, Exactly!WOKE Dystopia]

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