Friday, July 31, 2020


Will Herman Cain’s Death Change Republican RepuGNican Views on the Virus and Masks? His publicly dismissive attitude about the pandemic reflected the hands-off inconsistency of many party leaders.

74 - an age cohort with high mortality from COVID-19.
Male - twice the mortality rate of females.
Black - a racial group with as-yet-unexplained higher mortality from COVID-19. [Kain did not fit the impoverished, crowded housing, high-public-exposure-job explanation typically offered for higher mortality in blacks.]
Attended a Narcissist-in-Chief rally, defiantly, like so many of his fellow RepuGNicans, not wearing a mask.

[Will his avoidable death convince RepuGNicans to abandon defiant macho folly? Probably not. Unfortunately, the foolhardy and their lives are soon parted.]

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