Wednesday, July 8, 2020

God, I despair of religionists

(where "despair of" is a euphemism) ... and am increasingly disgusted with both "S"COTUS and the USA.

Supreme Court Lets Employers Opt Out of Birth Control Coverage: The justices upheld regulations from the Bigot-in-Chief Badministration that allowed employers with religious objections to decline to provide contraception coverage.

"The Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld a Misogynist-in-Chief Badministration regulation that lets employers with religious or moral objections limit women’s access to birth control coverage under the Affordable Care Act.

As a consequence of the ruling, about 70,000 to 126,000 women could lose contraceptive coverage from their employers, according to government estimates.

The vote was 7 to 2, with Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor dissenting.

Contraception coverage has emerged as a key battleground in the culture wars, one in which successive administrations have switched sides."
"The Crook-in-Chief Badministration took the side of the [DUHsucker] religious employers, saying that requiring contraception coverage can impose a “substantial burden” on the free exercise of religion. [Poor little control-freak snowflakes cannot cope with not having full control in all matters where they regard their hypersensitive feelings and fictional deity as more important than health/death risks to female employees.] The regulations it has promulgated made good on a campaign pledge by UNpresident DUH, who has said that employers should not be “bullied by the federal government because of their religious beliefs.”

The new regulations also included an exception for employers “with sincerely held moral convictions [read, fervent desire to control others' sex lives and bodies] opposed to coverage of some or all contraceptive or sterilization methods.” 

[Ya gotta "love" hypocritical C*N*servative religionists. They are more likely than liberals to sexually assault women; more likely to blame women than men for her conceiving (at his pleasure); more likely to divorce; more likely to commit domestic abuse and incest; much more likely to approve of war; much more likely to be against both contraception and abortion; much more likely to begrudge social support of single mothers and children; and much more likely to approve of putting separated-from-parents children in cages --- and then destroying records to avoid political embarrassment.]

The states of Pennsylvania and New Jersey challenged the rules, saying they would have to shoulder much of the cost of providing contraceptives to women who lost coverage under the Put-Greed-First Badministration’s rules."

[Needless to say, if males bore the children, none of this would be an issue.]

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