Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Natural Consequences

Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, tests positive. He has been a skeptic of antivirus precautions:

President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil, who has repeatedly dismissed the danger posed by the coronavirus, disclosed Tuesday that he has the virus, a development that turbocharged the debate over his cavalier handling of a pandemic that has killed more than 65,000 Brazilians.

Speaking to journalists shortly after noon on Tuesday, the president, 65, said he was tested after experiencing fatigue, muscle pain and a fever.

Bolsonaro said he was feeling well on Tuesday, which he credited to having taken hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria pill repeatedly promoted by UNpresident Ignoramus-in-Chief that has not been proven as a treatment for COVID-19 patients.

[Time will tell.]

Bolsonaro has come under criticism for his [MIS]handling of the pandemic, even as Brazil’s caseload and death toll ballooned in recent months. Brazil’s 1.6 million diagnosed cases and more than 65,000 deaths make it the second hardest-hit country, trailing only the [MISmanaged-by-incompetents] United States.

Even as several of Bolsonaro’s aides have tested positive in recent months, the president has often eschewed precautions such as wearing a mask and practicing social distancing. Most recently, he attended a luncheon hosted on Saturday by the American ambassador in Brazil to celebrate the Fourth of July holiday.
Bolsonaro is one of a number of world leaders who have contracted the virus.

Prime Minister [Buffoon-in-Charge] Boris Johnson of Britain, who was also criticized for seeming to dismiss the risks of the virus early on, tested positive in March and spent three nights in intensive care. President Juan Orlando Hernández of Honduras was released from the hospital on Thursday after spending more than two weeks being treated for COVID-19 and related pneumonia. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin of Russia said he tested positive in April, and Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan of Armenia said that he and his family tested positive in June.

cf Natural Selection Unmasked? ..

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