Saturday, January 30, 2021

Memento Moria

21-1-30 Napier Barracks: Five arrests over asylum centre fire

Five men have been arrested after a fire at a former barracks where asylum seekers are being held. Kent Police said one was held on suspicion of assaulting a security guard and four in connection with the fire at Napier Barracks on Friday. The Home Office had said a disturbance followed objections by asylum seekers to not being moved from the Folkestone site after a COVID outbreak.

20-9-12 below "However, if the EU takes in the migrants displaced by the Moria fire, fires will inevitably "break out" in other camps filled with disgruntled economic refugees."

21-1-29 Priti Patel suggests fire at Kent asylum seeker site started deliberately: Home secretary under pressure to shut Napier barracks site as images show smoke billowing from blocks

The home secretary, Priti Patel, has suggested that a fire at a former military barracks used to house asylum seekers was set deliberately as she comes under mounting pressure to shut the site. Images posted online showed thick smoke billowing from one of the blocks at Napier barracks near Folkestone. The facility has the capacity to hold 400 people but in recent days some have been transferred to hotels after a Covid-19 outbreak.

Kent fire and rescue service said eight fire engines had been sent to the barracks to deal with the blaze, and advised people living and working in the surrounding area to close their windows and doors as a precaution against smoke. Kent police said there were no reported injuries and “enquiries remain ongoing to determine the cause of the fire and establish whether any offences have been committed”.

[Deliberate? Possibly. It is also possible that the fire started because people light fires in hope of staying warm in winter.]
20-9-20 Moria: [At least nobody died in the fire. At least unaccompanied children are to be accepted.]

Police on the Greek island of Lesbos fired tear gas at protesting migrants who were left homeless when their camp burned down on 20-9-9. Around 13,000 migrants and refugees had been living in squalor in the overcrowded Moria camp, and are desperate to leave the island. The clashes broke out near a temporary camp built by Greek authorities. A fire was set there earlier in the day, near a police blockade, and had to be extinguished by firefighters.

Families have been sleeping in fields and on roads after fleeing the blaze on Wednesday.

The Moria camp was initially designed to house 3,000 migrants. People from 70 countries had been sheltered there, most from Afghanistan [thanks to Russia and Dubaya]. .

[This is a humanitarian dilemma. Refugees NEED decent accommodation and treatment. However, if the EU takes in the migrants displaced by the Moria fire, fires will inevitably "break out" in other camps filled with disgruntled economic refugees. Nobody perished at Moria, but refugees might die in subsequent attempts to force European nations to accept them post-conflagration.]

Lesbos: Hundreds test positive for COVID-19 after migrant camp fire:

"Hundreds of migrants and refugees at a new temporary camp on the Greek island of Lesbos have tested positive for coronavirus, officials say. More than 240 people returned a positive result after 7,000 tests were conducted at the Kara Tepe camp in recent days.

The new tent city was built after a fire destroyed the overcrowded Moria camp earlier this month. More than 12,000 people were left homeless by the blaze.

Four Afghan asylum seekers have been charged with starting the fire on 8 September. The Greek government has said they were protesting against lockdown measures introduced after a coronavirus outbreak at the site."

[How ironic! Protesting temporary lockdown will likely result in the arsonists' being locked up for much longer. Also, the BBC headline is misleading: the order of events was COVID-19 cases -> lockdown -> arson -> relocation -> further coronavirus testing. The good news? The new camp appears to be larger and better laid out.]

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