Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Discrediting a manufacturer?

How could a fierce competitor sabotage a huge manufacturer? Attack its vulnerable components far from its manufacturing base?

Twice is merely a coincidence, but in an era of increased air safety, this is the second SE Asian airline's Boeing to appear to drop from the sky. This was a tragedy for those who lost their lives and for all who lost loved-ones.

However, Boeing's success means that its products are statistically more likely to suffer disaster than smaller opponents.

Indonesia crash: Sriwijaya Air plane's flight data recorder retrieved:

Indonesian search teams have retrieved one of the two "black boxes" from the Boeing 737 plane that crashed into the Java Sea on Saturday, killing all 62 people on board. The flight data recorder was brought ashore, but the teams are still trying to locate the cockpit voice recorder. The authorities hope that data from the black boxes can give vital clues on the possible cause of the crash.

The 26-year-old aircraft passed an airworthiness inspection last month. It was still functioning and intact before it crashed, preliminary results showed.

https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-55628294 .

Infamous ill-fated SE Asian flights:
MH17 - shot down by Russian BUK over Ukraine
MH370 - vanished

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Accidents_and_incidents_involving_the_Boeing_777 .

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Aviation_accidents_and_incidents_by_aircraft .

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Accidents_and_incidents_involving_the_Boeing_737 .

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