Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Impoverished taxi drivers?

A man denied a £500 grant after being told to isolate by the NHS phone app has said it was a "kick in the teeth."

[Why was he denied the grant? ]

In Wales, the self-isolation support scheme for low-earners is still not available to people who are notified by the app. Taxi driver David Miller lost 10 days of work by isolating and had no grant.

The self-isolation support scheme is intended to help with loss of earnings for those told to self-isolate who cannot work from home. In Wales it is also for parents and carers on low incomes with children who are self-isolating. In December it was reported that the NHS Track and Trace app for Wales and England had been updated to allow people notified that they must isolate to claim the £500.

But while users in England notified by the app can claim the payments after going through an identity-verification process, people in Wales cannot. Miller, from Pembroke, received a notification on the NHS app on Boxing Day telling him to self-isolate for 10 days. As a recipient of housing benefit he should have been able to claim the £500 grant to offset his loss of earnings. But when he applied via his local authority he was told they could not pay him.

[No explanation for why. Do taxi drivers not normally earn enough to afford housing in Wales?]

https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-55707833 .

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