Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The Inevitable RepuGNican Mega-Mess

"If you look closely, there are actually four different Republican factions today: principled conservatives (Republicans), cynically tactical conservatives (Repugnicans), unprincipled conservatives (RepuGNicans) and tRUMP cultists (Ultra-RepuGNant-RepuGNicans). In the principled conservatives camp, I’d put Romney and Murkowski. They are the true America firsters. While animated by conservative ideas about small government and free markets, they put country and Constitution before party and ideology. They are rule-abiders." [The others--Repugnican, RepuGNicans, and Ultra-RepuGNant-RepuGNicans belong, imo, on a garbage heap.]

"Democrats will have a say in this, too. This is their best opportunity in years to get some support from center-right Republicans. Be smart: Ban the phrase “defund the police.” Talk instead about “better policing,” which everyone can get behind. Instead of “democratic socialism,” talk about “more just and inclusive capitalism.” And tone down the politically correct cancel culture on college campuses and in newsrooms. While it’s not remotely in the league of those trying to cancel a whole election, it’s still corrosive."

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