Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Scrubbing some excrement

US President Joe Biden has begun to undo some of Criminal-in-Cheat's key policies, hours after being sworn in. "There is no time to waste when it comes to tackling the crises we face," he tweeted as he headed to the White House following his inauguration. President Biden is signing 15 executive orders aimed at boosting the federal response to the coronavirus crisis. Other moves will reverse the booted-out Badministration's execrable stance on climate change, immigration and race relations.
  • Cease action to withdraw from the World Health Organization (WHO). Virus expert Dr Anthony Fauci is set to participate in a WHO international executive board meeting this week on behalf of the US
  • Centralise the national COVID-19 response in a move to co-ordinate the distribution of protective equipment, vaccines and tests
  • Require masks and distancing on all federal property
  • Launch a "100 Days Masking Challenge" asking people to mask up for 100 days
  • Rejoining the 2015 Paris climate agreement, from which LIAR-in-Cheat formally withdrew the US last year
  • Cancelling the controversial Keystone XL Pipeline, which environmentalists and Native American groups have fought for more than a decade.
Biden has vowed to:
  • Revoke Racist-in-Cheat's so-called Muslim ban, that restricted entry into the country from some primarily Muslim countries
  • Stop the construction of the [tiny bits of] Mexican border wall
It didn't take long for the newly inaugurated president to show his hand. He targeted, in particular, some of the most controversial portions of Thug-in-Cheat's agenda. The Biden administration also will freeze all of Criminal-in-Cheats's last-minute regulations pending further review.

Executive action is the (relatively) easy part, however. For Biden to make lasting change - policies that can't be undone by future presidents - he will have to work with Congress to pass legislation on issues like pandemic relief, citizenship for undocumented migrants, healthcare reform and voting-rights protections.

[Being far too moderate] He also declined, for now, to take other executive actions, like cancelling student loan debt [too expensive in the middle of the Pathogen-in-Cheat-exacerbated pandemic, and probably "too expensive" ever to consider], lifting Crook-in-Cheat's trade restrictions or enacting new criminal justice measures.

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