Wednesday, January 27, 2021

THIS is undeniably racist

Undeniably racist? Those who expect racism are likely to assume, justifiably or not, that any and all criticism reflects racist attitudes. Those who expect racism are likely to feel justified in reverse-racist attitudes. In other words, excessive pandering to claims of racism are likely to perpetuate, even exacerbate, irrelevant focus on skin pigmentation, accent, and bone structure

A 16-year-old boy has been sentenced for racially attacking a Singapore student who was told "we don't want your coronavirus in our country". Jonathan Mok was beaten up on Oxford Street last February by a group of boys in an "unprovoked attack". Mr Mok, 23, suffered a complicated fracture to his nose and cheekbone which required surgery, screws and stitches.

The teenager was convicted of racially aggravated grievous bodily harm following a trial at Highbury Corner Youth Court. The chair of the bench gave the boy an 18-month youth rehabilitation order. He was also ordered to wear an electronic tag, follow a curfew order between 20:00 and 07:00 for 10 weeks and must pay £600 compensation to Mr Mok.

Chair of the bench Mervyn Mandell warned that had he been an adult he "would have gone to jail for a very long time". "This was an unprovoked attack for no reason other than his [Mr Mok's] appearance," he said.

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