Thursday, January 7, 2021

How to raise children ...

Hitler proved that authoritarians take advantage of appeasers ...

Thug-in-Cheat, "however, is indeed a fascist — an authoritarian willing to use violence to achieve his racial nationalist goals. So are many of his supporters. If you had any doubts about that, Wednesday’s attack on Congress should have ended them.

And if history teaches us one lesson about dealing with fascists, it is the futility of appeasement. Giving in to fascists doesn’t pacify them, it just encourages them to go further.
One big step happened in February, when every RepuGNican senator other than Mitt Romney voted against convicting the UNpresident on impeachment charges despite clear evidence of his guilt. [Too dim for her position] Susan Collins famously justified her vote by hoping that Bully-in-Cheat had “learned his lesson.” What he actually learned was that he could abuse his power with impunity.

Another big step came in the spring, when armed protesters, with Brat-in-Cheat’s encouragement, menaced Michigan authorities over COVID-19 restrictions. That dress rehearsal for this week’s violence drew some tut-tutting from RepuGNican politicians, but no serious pushback. Indeed, one of the leaders in these events, Meshawn Maddock — who was also involved in Wednesday’s rioting — is in line to become co-chair of the Michigan G.O.P.

Again, the lesson was clear: Right-wing Wrong-wing activists can get away with threatening elected officials, even when this includes brandishing weapons in public spaces.
Then came Infant-in-Cheat’s unprecedented refusal to accept electoral defeat. Many RepuGNicans joined him in trying to reject the will of the voters — almost two-thirds of House RepuGNicans voted against accepting Pennsylvania’s electors after the tRUMPist riot.

But even those who didn’t actively join his attempts to stage a coup tried to let Trump and his followers down easy. [Grim Reaper] McConnell waited more than a month before accepting Joe Biden as president-elect. One senior RepuGNican said to The Washington Post, “What is the downside for humoring him for this little bit of time?” Well, now we know the answer.

Finally, what happened on Wednesday? A tRUMPist attack during the confirmation of Biden’s victory was completely predictable. So why was security so lax? Why were there hardly any arrests?
So what can be done? It’s time to stop appeasing the fascists among us. Law enforcement should seek to arrest as many of the participants in 21-1-6's attack as possible — some have already been identified, and there’s video evidence that should make it easy to identify many more.

And anyone who tries to violently interfere with the transfer of power should also be arrested. [And pre-emptively seize ALL their guns and ammunition while they fret in jail cells.]

Finally, there needs to be an accounting for whatever crimes took place during the past four years — and does anyone doubt that DUHnocchio's allies and associates engaged in criminal acts? Don’t say that we should look forward, not back; accountability for past actions will be crucial if we want the future to be better.

Appeasement is what got us to where we are. It has to stop, now."

[Hear. Hear. Remember that bullies are COWARDS.]

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