Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Dynastic Cannon Fodder

Wanna-be-dicktators [sic] have littered history with dead equally-sociopathic supporters. Thug-in-Cheat would be happy to see American blood spilled in the streets -- provided that he does no jail time for his plethora of crimes and betrayals.

Live Updates: Pence and Lawmakers Evacuate as Protesters Storm Capitol, Halting Count of Electoral Votes: The Capitol building was placed on lockdown, with senators and members of the House locked inside their chambers, as Congress began debating President-elect Joe Biden’s victory. UNpresident LIAR-in-Cheat addressed supporters near the White House before protesters marched to Capitol Hill.

US Congress in turmoil as violent Authoritarian-in-Cheat supporters breach building

Violent [dimwitted, scumbags-for-authoritarianism] supporters of UNpresident LIAR-in-Cheat have breached the Capitol in Washington, as lawmakers met to confirm President-elect Joe Biden's poll win. In dramatic scenes, demonstrators swarmed the building as Congress members were escorted out by police. There are reports of guns drawn in the building and at least one person shot. A woman was reported to be in a critical condition after receiving a neck injury. There has been an armed confrontation at the doors of the House of Representatives. Tear gas has also been used.

The joint session of Congress certifying Mr Biden's win has been suspended and forced into recess.

Mr Biden said it was an "insurrection", and DUHnocchio [belatedly] released [an undoubtedly-insincere pandering-to-his-legacy] video message asking supporters to go home.

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