Sunday, January 10, 2021

It ain't over until the fat thug's jailed

The Narcissist in Chief Brings It All Crashing Down: An ending as terrible as it was predictable engulfs the UNpresident and the country.

[edited for greater accuracy] "Our UNpresident has never been a very stable man. But I’m trying to think of what threshold of loco he had to clear in order for one of his senior advisers to confide in my colleague Maggie Haberman that tRUMP “lost it” on the day of the insurrection.

Or for an administration official to describe him as “a total monster” to The Washington Post the next day.

Or for Representative Adam Kinzinger, a member of tRUMP’s own [dysfunctional] party, to call for the cabinet and the vice president to invoke the 25th Amendment because we require “a sane captain of the ship” to steer us through the administration’s final days, and “all indications are that the UNpresident has become unmoored, not just from his duty, or even his oath, but from reality itself.”

Our UNpresident has always been out there. But on Jan. 6, 2021, he clearly reached escape velocity and hurtled into space.

We shouldn’t be surprised. The UNpresident’s flight into the ozone of crazy was as inevitable as the country’s descent into anarchy — and almost certainly intertwined. tRUMP, as I and many others have noted, impeccably meets the criteria of a malignant narcissist, and he has a defect in moral conscience," [So do his stupid, duped, personality-disordered, cognitively-hypofunctional fanTHUGS] , and he has a defect in moral conscience that is emblematic of psychopaths. People like this do not react well to being fired, divorced or kicked out of any club. They’re ego hemophiliacs. Their self-esteem cannot self-repair. And so the UNpresident is now doing exactly what all pathological narcissists of the malignant, conscience-free variety do when they’ve been given the boot. They behave dangerously.

They claim they are victims. They lie, reject facts and call foul play. They blame everything — and everyone — for their failures except them-LOSER-selves. They accuse even their most loyal supporters of treachery. (On Thursday a White House official told The Washington Post that tRUMP was so angry at Mike Pence “he couldn’t see straight.” Pence! [Actually, many doubt that Pence has ever genuinely seen straight] But as I’ve often said, you can never love suck-up-to a narcissist enough.)

They take one reckless, desperate risk after another to keep their amour propre intact.

And most important, they lash out with an Old Testament vindictiveness, often destroying the very institution — or spouse, family, whatever it is — they were once sworn to nurture.

Which in this case is democracy itself. tRUMP is a man [let's not insult real men] male who found [inevitable] failure so intolerable, so humiliating, that he was willing to incite a an acre-wide mob to violent insurrection, both in and around the Capitol, on Congress’s election certification day. Either he would get what he wanted or no one would. Five are now dead.

“Now we gather due to a selfish man’s male's injured pride,” as Mitt Romney said the night of the siege.

You know who could have predicted this? Researchers who specialize in bad C.E.O. behavior. [Plus psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, psychotherapists, lawyers for and against the mob, and any westerner with an ounce of rationality.] They’ve seen this movie dozens of times before. It’s textbook stuff. [Yup, textbook of dangerously abnormal psychology stuff]

“It should be absolutely no surprise that this is where we are,” Jennifer Chatman, a professor of management at the Haas School of Business at Berkeley who has written extensively about narcissistic leaders, told me. “It’s never a pretty transition when they have to go.” They’re too entitled. They’re too in the habit of sowing distrust. They have disdain for rules — which in fact made them terrible leaders in the first place, prone to cheating and stealing and grift. “They leave their organizations in terrible shape, both from a structural and cultural point of view.” As tRUMP has left the RepuGNican Party. And the country at large. [tRUMP's personality-disordered fanTHUGS were already dysfunctional --- that's why they foolishly worshipped a monster who views them as USEFUL LOSERS].

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