Sunday, January 31, 2021

Motivational Nudging

The Science of Reasoning With Unreasonable People: Don’t try to change someone else’s mind. Instead, help them find their own motivation to change.

""When we try to change a person’s mind, our first impulse is to preach about why we’re right and prosecute them for being wrong. Yet experiments show that preaching and prosecuting typically backfire — and what doesn’t sway people may strengthen their beliefs. Much as a vaccine inoculates the physical immune system against a virus, the act of resistance fortifies the psychological immune system. Refuting a point of view produces antibodies against future attempts at influence, making people more certain of their own opinions and more ready to rebut alternatives.
Several decades ago, when treating substance abuse problems, psychologists developed a technique called motivational interviewing. The central premise: Instead of trying to force other people to change, you’re better off helping them find their own intrinsic motivation to change. You do that by interviewing them — asking open-ended questions and listening carefully — and holding up a mirror so they can see their own thoughts more clearly. If they express a desire to change, you guide them toward a plan.
In motivational interviewing, there’s a distinction between sustain talk and change talk. Sustain talk is commentary about maintaining the status quo. Change talk is referencing a desire, ability or commitment to making a shift. A skilled motivational interviewer listens for change talk and asks people to elaborate on it.""

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Memento Moria

21-1-30 Napier Barracks: Five arrests over asylum centre fire

Five men have been arrested after a fire at a former barracks where asylum seekers are being held. Kent Police said one was held on suspicion of assaulting a security guard and four in connection with the fire at Napier Barracks on Friday. The Home Office had said a disturbance followed objections by asylum seekers to not being moved from the Folkestone site after a COVID outbreak.

20-9-12 below "However, if the EU takes in the migrants displaced by the Moria fire, fires will inevitably "break out" in other camps filled with disgruntled economic refugees."

21-1-29 Priti Patel suggests fire at Kent asylum seeker site started deliberately: Home secretary under pressure to shut Napier barracks site as images show smoke billowing from blocks

The home secretary, Priti Patel, has suggested that a fire at a former military barracks used to house asylum seekers was set deliberately as she comes under mounting pressure to shut the site. Images posted online showed thick smoke billowing from one of the blocks at Napier barracks near Folkestone. The facility has the capacity to hold 400 people but in recent days some have been transferred to hotels after a Covid-19 outbreak.

Kent fire and rescue service said eight fire engines had been sent to the barracks to deal with the blaze, and advised people living and working in the surrounding area to close their windows and doors as a precaution against smoke. Kent police said there were no reported injuries and “enquiries remain ongoing to determine the cause of the fire and establish whether any offences have been committed”.

[Deliberate? Possibly. It is also possible that the fire started because people light fires in hope of staying warm in winter.]
20-9-20 Moria: [At least nobody died in the fire. At least unaccompanied children are to be accepted.]

Police on the Greek island of Lesbos fired tear gas at protesting migrants who were left homeless when their camp burned down on 20-9-9. Around 13,000 migrants and refugees had been living in squalor in the overcrowded Moria camp, and are desperate to leave the island. The clashes broke out near a temporary camp built by Greek authorities. A fire was set there earlier in the day, near a police blockade, and had to be extinguished by firefighters.

Families have been sleeping in fields and on roads after fleeing the blaze on Wednesday.

The Moria camp was initially designed to house 3,000 migrants. People from 70 countries had been sheltered there, most from Afghanistan [thanks to Russia and Dubaya]. .

[This is a humanitarian dilemma. Refugees NEED decent accommodation and treatment. However, if the EU takes in the migrants displaced by the Moria fire, fires will inevitably "break out" in other camps filled with disgruntled economic refugees. Nobody perished at Moria, but refugees might die in subsequent attempts to force European nations to accept them post-conflagration.]

Lesbos: Hundreds test positive for COVID-19 after migrant camp fire:

"Hundreds of migrants and refugees at a new temporary camp on the Greek island of Lesbos have tested positive for coronavirus, officials say. More than 240 people returned a positive result after 7,000 tests were conducted at the Kara Tepe camp in recent days.

The new tent city was built after a fire destroyed the overcrowded Moria camp earlier this month. More than 12,000 people were left homeless by the blaze.

Four Afghan asylum seekers have been charged with starting the fire on 8 September. The Greek government has said they were protesting against lockdown measures introduced after a coronavirus outbreak at the site."

[How ironic! Protesting temporary lockdown will likely result in the arsonists' being locked up for much longer. Also, the BBC headline is misleading: the order of events was COVID-19 cases -> lockdown -> arson -> relocation -> further coronavirus testing. The good news? The new camp appears to be larger and better laid out.]

Friday, January 29, 2021

Just when you think America couldn't sink lower

Louisiana cemetery 'sorry' after denying officer burial 'because he is black': 

A Louisiana cemetery has apologised after refusing to bury a local black police officer because of a decades-old provision allowing only white people. The Oaklin Springs Cemetery board met on Thursday to change its sales contract after an outcry over the "white human beings" rule. Officer Darrell Semien's widow called it a "slap in the face" to be denied a plot "because he's black".

The incident comes over 50 years since the passage of the US Civil Rights Act. The landmark legislation, passed in 1964, banned discrimination and ended so-called Jim Crow laws which legally enshrined racist policies in mostly southern states such as Louisiana.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

I'm melting! I'm melting!

The Wizard of Oz (1939) I'm melting!! >

Split signals end for remnant of Antarctic iceberg A68a

The once-mighty iceberg A68a looks to be in its death throes. For more than three years, A68a was the biggest iceberg in the world. The largest fragment from a block of Antarctic ice that originally measured some 5,800 sq km (2,240 sq miles) in area has suffered another major split. At its greatest extent, it was about a quarter of the size of Wales - or New Jersey or Israel. 

Satellite imagery shows at least two segments drifting close together about 135km south-east of the British territory of South Georgia. They will no doubt soon move further apart.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

THIS is undeniably racist

Undeniably racist? Those who expect racism are likely to assume, justifiably or not, that any and all criticism reflects racist attitudes. Those who expect racism are likely to feel justified in reverse-racist attitudes. In other words, excessive pandering to claims of racism are likely to perpetuate, even exacerbate, irrelevant focus on skin pigmentation, accent, and bone structure

A 16-year-old boy has been sentenced for racially attacking a Singapore student who was told "we don't want your coronavirus in our country". Jonathan Mok was beaten up on Oxford Street last February by a group of boys in an "unprovoked attack". Mr Mok, 23, suffered a complicated fracture to his nose and cheekbone which required surgery, screws and stitches.

The teenager was convicted of racially aggravated grievous bodily harm following a trial at Highbury Corner Youth Court. The chair of the bench gave the boy an 18-month youth rehabilitation order. He was also ordered to wear an electronic tag, follow a curfew order between 20:00 and 07:00 for 10 weeks and must pay £600 compensation to Mr Mok.

Chair of the bench Mervyn Mandell warned that had he been an adult he "would have gone to jail for a very long time". "This was an unprovoked attack for no reason other than his [Mr Mok's] appearance," he said.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

New Racism is Still Racism

Regardless of direction, racism is unjust because it targets an irrelevant intrinsic feature of fellow citizens.

Here is a recent racist remark: ""[INSERT COLOR] People: You do not get to absolve people of racism. You do not get to point out their “Growth” when they say [LATEST SLOGAN] after treating us as if we don’t [matter]. You don’t get to accept apologies on our behalf.""

Definition: "Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another. It may also mean prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity. Modern variants of racism are often based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples. These views can take the form of social actions, practices or beliefs, or political systems in which different races are ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other, based on presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities."

Any statement that blames ALL those of a particular color of on the basis of the actions of a subset of individuals is RACIST. Any statement that attempts to rob all individuals of a particular color of protected rights (in the above case, freedom of expression) is RACIST. Any statement that attempts to prevent all individuals of a particular color of lawful actions is RACIST. Any movement that attempts to burden ALL individuals of a particular color with the guilty actions of a subset is illogical, unjust, and doomed to eventual repercussions.

Not only are such blatant displays of color-based prejudice inherently RACIST, they are politically unwise. Some might kowtow to unjust accusations, but unjust accusations will not win the support and respect of the majority. Where the support of the majority is the pragmatic aim, such infantility is unjust and unwise.

"Star Wars supports High Republic host after racist" [REMARKS]: Here's the intrinsic problem. If, in the current hysterical cancel-culture, victimization-whining climate, exactly the same sentiments had been directed against blacks, the host would probably have been dismissed, certainly not supported by the employer. It is not that dismissal would be justified, it is that the two instances of racism ought to be treated equally.

Justice lies somewhere between the disparate responses.

Saturday, January 23, 2021


Chaos of Insurrectionist-in-Cheat's last days in office reverberates with fresh 'plot' report: Ex-UNpresident, whose Senate trial will start in two weeks, reportedly planned to oust acting attorney general in bid to overturn election.


In Washington and beyond, the chaos of the 45th UNpresident’s final days in office continued to throw out damaging aftershocks. 

In yet another earth-shaking report, the New York Times said Pathogen-in-Cheat plotted with an official at the Department of Justice to fire the acting attorney general, then force Georgia Republicans to overturn his defeat in that state.

Former acting US defense secretary Christopher Miller, meanwhile, made an extraordinary admission, telling Vanity Fair that when he took the job in November, he had three goals: “No military coup, no major war and no troops in the street.”

The former special forces officer added: “The ‘no troops in the street’ thing changed dramatically about 14.30 [on 6 January]. So that one’s off [the list].”

That was the day a mob incited by Insurrectionist-in-Cheat and anti-patriotic allies smashed its way into the US Capitol, in some cases allegedly looking for lawmakers to kidnap or kill. More than 100 arrests have been made over the riot, which also saw Nationalist-Thug-in-Cheat impeached a second time. .

[It is safe to say that many who had the misfortune of coming into close contact with Traitor-in-Cheat privately loathed Agent Orange. Perhaps not the equally-odious, but almost certainly many with a modicum of decency.]

Justified protests

Paranoid autocrats do not brook opposition. However, it is justified when kleptocratic cabals are robbing their people for personal gain.

'The problem is Putin': protesters throng Russia's streets to support jailed Navalny: More than 2,500 are arrested at rallies across the country as cities see huge turnouts in support of opposition leader

House arrest at whatever venue?

Since the dimwitted, selfish rebels have already voluntarily exposed themselves to risk of contracting SARS-CoV-2, they would be in no further danger from prolonged exposure = incarceration. Since the risk is now to the public at large, they ought to be "quarantined", not allowed to spread rebellion-contracted viral infections. Since fines don't work, forcible quarantining for at least the duration of the wider lockdown seems the better option. .

Friday, January 22, 2021

Coup Klutz Creed

kindly excuse the thumbnail images of males who are ugly inside and out ...

More infectious + deadlier?

When lockdown measures = too little, too late ...

New UK variant 'may be more deadly'Early evidence suggests the variant of coronavirus that emerged in the UK may be more deadly, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said. The data come from mathematicians comparing death rates in people infected with either the new or the old versions of the virus. The new more infectious variant has already spread widely across the UK. However, there is still huge uncertainty around the numbers - and vaccines are expected to work.

Previous work suggests the new variant spreads between 30% and 70% faster than others, and there are hints it is around 30% more deadly. For example, with 1,000 60-year-olds infected with the old variant, 10 of them might be expected to die. But this rises to around 13 with the new variant. This difference is found when looking at everyone testing positive for COVID, but analysing only hospital data has found no increase in the death rate. Hospital care has improved over the course of the pandemic as doctors get better at treating the disease.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

There are OTHER search engines

Google threat to pull search engine in Australia - BBC >

21-1-22 Google threatens to leave Australia – but its poker face is slipping: Analysis: tech firm’s refusal to pay news publishers comes as it agrees to do exactly that in France

Google has threatened to remove its search engine from Australia over the nation's attempt to make the tech giant share royalties with news publishers. Australia is introducing a landmark law to make Google, Facebook and potentially other tech companies pay media outlets for their news content. But the [greedy] US tech giants have fought back, arguing the laws are onerous and would damage local access to services.

The FAILED Experiment

Democrats, Here’s How to Lose in 2022. And Deserve It: You don’t get re-elected for things voters don’t know about. [Although LOSER-in-Cheat was booted for the daily incompetence voters DID know about.]

"President Biden takes office with a ticking clock. The Democrats’ margin in the House and Senate couldn’t be thinner, and midterms typically raze the governing party. That gives Democrats two years to govern. Two years to prove that the American political system can work. Two years to show [populist-authoritarianism] was an experiment that need not be repeated.

Two years.

This is the responsibility the Democratic majority must bear: If they fail or falter, they will open the door for [populist-authoritarianism] or something like it to return, and there is every reason to believe it will be far worse next time. To stop it, Democrats need to reimagine their role. They cannot merely defend the political system. They must rebuild it."
"In their book “Presidents, Populism and the Crisis of Democracy,” the political scientists William Howell and Terry Moe write that “populists don’t just feed on socioeconomic discontent. They feed on ineffective government — and their great appeal is that they claim to replace it with a government that is effective through their own autocratic power.”

[LIAR-in-Cheat] was this kind of populist. Democrats mocked his “I alone can fix it” message LIE for its braggadocio and feared its authoritarianism, but they did not take seriously the deep soil in which it was rooted: The American system of governance is leaving too many Americans to despair and misery, too many problems unsolved, too many people disillusioned. It is captured by corporations and paralyzed by archaic rules. It is failing, and too many Democrats treat its failures as regrettable inevitabilities rather than a true crisis."
"But now Democrats have another chance. To avoid the mistakes of the past, three principles should guide their efforts. First, they need to help people fast and visibly. Second, they need to take politics seriously, recognizing that defeat in 2022 will result in catastrophe. The [Make America GREEDRIDDEN Again RepuGNican] Party needs to be politically discredited through repeated losses; it cannot simply be allowed to ride back to primacy on the coattails of Democratic failure. And, finally, they need to do more than talk about the importance of democracy. They need to deepen American democracy." .

[In my words, America is a hubristic, inequity-enhancing, legislatively-impotent, gerrymandered, voter-suppressed, false-news-flooded, hyper-religionist, poorly-educated, arsenal-flooded MESS. Even worse, about 40% of Americans continue to believe venomous LIES and support the flagrant OUTgoing NON-solution. It was venom versus complacency that ensured the WORST UNpresident and amoral, anti-American Band-of-Thieves thus far.]

"Let's put him in the pot"

"A rowdy rooster named Maurice, in particular, made headlines in 2019 after a court in western France rejected a bid to have him silenced by neighbours who had purchased a holiday home nearby."

Please replace the ghastly vomit-colored drapes!

The busts are fine, but rip down those reminder-of-greed curtains! .

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Scrubbing some excrement

US President Joe Biden has begun to undo some of Criminal-in-Cheat's key policies, hours after being sworn in. "There is no time to waste when it comes to tackling the crises we face," he tweeted as he headed to the White House following his inauguration. President Biden is signing 15 executive orders aimed at boosting the federal response to the coronavirus crisis. Other moves will reverse the booted-out Badministration's execrable stance on climate change, immigration and race relations.
  • Cease action to withdraw from the World Health Organization (WHO). Virus expert Dr Anthony Fauci is set to participate in a WHO international executive board meeting this week on behalf of the US
  • Centralise the national COVID-19 response in a move to co-ordinate the distribution of protective equipment, vaccines and tests
  • Require masks and distancing on all federal property
  • Launch a "100 Days Masking Challenge" asking people to mask up for 100 days
  • Rejoining the 2015 Paris climate agreement, from which LIAR-in-Cheat formally withdrew the US last year
  • Cancelling the controversial Keystone XL Pipeline, which environmentalists and Native American groups have fought for more than a decade.
Biden has vowed to:
  • Revoke Racist-in-Cheat's so-called Muslim ban, that restricted entry into the country from some primarily Muslim countries
  • Stop the construction of the [tiny bits of] Mexican border wall
It didn't take long for the newly inaugurated president to show his hand. He targeted, in particular, some of the most controversial portions of Thug-in-Cheat's agenda. The Biden administration also will freeze all of Criminal-in-Cheats's last-minute regulations pending further review.

Executive action is the (relatively) easy part, however. For Biden to make lasting change - policies that can't be undone by future presidents - he will have to work with Congress to pass legislation on issues like pandemic relief, citizenship for undocumented migrants, healthcare reform and voting-rights protections.

[Being far too moderate] He also declined, for now, to take other executive actions, like cancelling student loan debt [too expensive in the middle of the Pathogen-in-Cheat-exacerbated pandemic, and probably "too expensive" ever to consider], lifting Crook-in-Cheat's trade restrictions or enacting new criminal justice measures.

Quietly into the night?

It was no surprise that cowardly MAGAts did not attempt assaults on well-protected Capital buildings in protest over Biden's inauguration. Unfortunately, it strikes me as more likely that they might wait for the heat to die down before vindictively mounting domestic terrorist attacks on softer targets.

The worst of the MAGAts are nasty, anti-social thugs in search of an excuse to harm others. Every country has them, but among the Western nations, America stands out for stupidly arming religionism-indoctrinated sociopaths.

After writing the above, I found this: [modified for accuracy]

QAnon's 'Great Awakening' failed to materialize. What's next could be worse: [MAGAt] Believers who were stymied by Insurrectionist-in-Cheat’s exit could turn to white nationalism and other extremist beliefs, experts say

"Shortly before Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States, Dave Hayes – a longtime QAnon influencer who goes by the name Praying Medic – posted a photo of dark storm clouds gathering over the US Capitol on the rightwing social media platform Gab. “What a beautiful black sky,” he wrote to his 92,000 followers, appending a thunderclap emoji.

The message was clear to those well-versed in QAnon lore: “the Storm” – the day of reckoning when Traitor-in-Cheat and his faithful allies in the military would declare martial law, round up all their many political enemies, and send them to Guantánamo Bay for execution by hanging – was finally here. 20 January 2021 wouldn’t mark the end of Insurrectionist-in-Cheat’s presidency, but the beginning of “the Great Awakening”.

Instead, LOSER-in-Cheat slunk off to Florida and Biden took the oath of office under a clear blue sky. Now QAnon adherents are left to figure out how to move forward in a world that, time and time again, has proven impervious to their fevered fantasies and fascistic predictions. And while some seem to be waking up to reality, others are doubling down, raising concerns among experts that the movement is ripe for even more extreme radicalization.

“My primary concern about this moment is the Q to JQ move,” said Brian Friedberg, a senior researcher at Harvard’s Shorenstein Center, referring to “the Jewish question”, a phrase that white nationalists and neo-Nazis use to discuss their antisemitic belief that Jews control the world. Friedberg said that he had seen clear signs that white nationalists and alt-right figures, who have long disliked QAnon because it focused the Maga movement’s energies away from the “white identity movement”, were preparing to take advantage.

“They view this as a great opportunity to do a mass red-pilling,” he said."

[Deranged] "QAnon adherents are used to dealing with predictions that have not come true. The conspiracy theory began in October 2017 when an anonymous internet user posing as a government insider posted on 4chan that Hillary Clinton was about to be arrested, that her passport had been flagged, and that the government was preparing for “massive riots”. None of that happened, nor did any of the myriad other arrests, declassifications, executions, resignations or revelations that the anonymous poster, who came to be known as Q, has promised believers for the past three years. But the movement has nevertheless grown in size and influence, becoming a meaningful force in the Republican party and a motivating factor for many of the insurrectionists who attacked the US Capitol on 6 January."
“There may be people who fall off quietly because they were just along for the ride and it isn’t fun any more, but these kind of movements will always have true believers. Over and over again we’ve seen huge dis-confirming events that didn’t cause people to lose faith.”

That resilience in false belief was apparent among some QAnon followers on Wednesday. They took solace in the number of flags placed on the dais when Trump gave farewell remarks from a military base before departing on Air Force One: there were 17, which followers interpreted as a secret message to them, since “Q” is the 17th letter of the alphabet.

Others returned to the process of “baking” – or reinterpreting through their obscure and esoteric epistemology – the thousands of missives that Q has posted over the years, in order to find a new way to understand the unfolding events, and to tell themselves that Q was right all along. “Like many of you, I am in shock by today’s [events] and then I realized why it had to happen and that Q told us it would happen and, why this NEEDED to happen,” read one popular post on a QAnon forum, which went on to detail a new theory that explains why Q’s false predictions were in fact correct."
"The QAnon narrative has always been fundamentally antisemitic (the “globalist cabal” is a remix of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, while another major QAnon belief is a modern remaking of the blood libel), but many of the top QAnon influencers shied away from overt antisemitism, leaving it to posters on 8kun while promoting a slightly more sanitized version of QAnon on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

“Now that QAnon has coalesced on alt-tech, where Nazis have had a few years of head start, organized antisemitism is even fewer clicks away,” warned Friedberg.

Friedberg also anticipates that some QAnon followers will choose to follow a path “from the esoteric to the neoconservative” rather than adopting white nationalism. This countercurrent of the movement is focused on exalting American militarism and patriotism, and opposing communism, especially the Chinese Communist party.

Ultimately, Friedberg said, Idiot-in-Cheat’s departure will only help reinforce the “underdog mentality” and sense of grievance that has defined QAnon since the beginning, ensuring that the movement won’t just disappear.

“The things that they hate are still there,” Friedberg said. “The fetishization of 
Putin's Puppet is certainly real, but the hatred of the ‘deep state’, of communists, of liberals, antifa – all these institutions are still there, and they [the designated enemies] won.”

“That underdog mentality, which was illogical when Incompetent-in-Cheat was UNpresident, is now justified,” he added. “There’s no reason [in their tiny, resentful minds] to stop hating.”"

The deranged wanna-be-shaman who insisted on prayer in the middle of the attempted coup demonstrates one of the mechanisms of the correlation between anti-patriotic rebellion, divorce from reality, and the excessive religionism of American society. Much of this parallels the cognitive harm done by fundamentalist (reward for baseless belief without evidence, hellfire for enemies) churches: 

Ironically, "Q" is also used to designate the Q source (also called Q document, Q Gospel, or Q from German: Quelle, meaning "source") is a hypothetical written collection of primarily Jesus' sayings (logia). Q is part of the common material found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke but not in the Gospel of Mark. According to this hypothesis, this material was drawn from the early Church's oral tradition.

Along with Marcan priority, Q was hypothesized by 1900, and is one of the foundations of most modern gospel scholarship. B. H. Streeter formulated a widely accepted view of Q: that it was written in Koine Greek; that most of its contents appear in Matthew, in Luke, or in both; and that Luke more often preserves the text's original order than Matthew. In the two-source hypothesis, the three-source hypothesis and the Q+/Papias hypothesis, Matthew and Luke both used Mark and Q as sources. Some scholars have postulated that Q is actually a plurality of sources, some written and some oral. Others have attempted to determine the stages in which Q was composed.

Q's existence has been questioned. Omitting what should have been a highly treasured dominical document from all early Church catalogs, its lack of mention by Jerome is a conundrum of modern Biblical scholarship. But copying Q might have been seen as unnecessary as it was preserved in the canonical gospels. Hence, it was preferable to copy the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, "where the sayings of Jesus from Q were rephrased to avoid misunderstandings, and to fit their own situations and their understanding of what Jesus had really meant". Despite challenges, the two-source hypothesis retains wide support.

Who knew it would be such a pretty color?

Researchers succeed in taking first photo of coronavirus
: So this is what you look like! Until now, there have only been computer graphics of the coronavirus. Now, Austrian researchers have photographed SARS-CoV-2 for the first time.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

He went LOW

Tirade listing some of Pathogen-in-Cheat's FAILURES

tRUMP's Last Day! - Jonathan Pie slicing Orange Excrement >

Impoverished taxi drivers?

A man denied a £500 grant after being told to isolate by the NHS phone app has said it was a "kick in the teeth."

[Why was he denied the grant? ]

In Wales, the self-isolation support scheme for low-earners is still not available to people who are notified by the app. Taxi driver David Miller lost 10 days of work by isolating and had no grant.

The self-isolation support scheme is intended to help with loss of earnings for those told to self-isolate who cannot work from home. In Wales it is also for parents and carers on low incomes with children who are self-isolating. In December it was reported that the NHS Track and Trace app for Wales and England had been updated to allow people notified that they must isolate to claim the £500.

But while users in England notified by the app can claim the payments after going through an identity-verification process, people in Wales cannot. Miller, from Pembroke, received a notification on the NHS app on Boxing Day telling him to self-isolate for 10 days. As a recipient of housing benefit he should have been able to claim the £500 grant to offset his loss of earnings. But when he applied via his local authority he was told they could not pay him.

[No explanation for why. Do taxi drivers not normally earn enough to afford housing in Wales?] .

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Why would a woman spurn such a delight?

According to the prosecution, Spector had previously pulled a gun on four women. In each case, he had been drinking and "was romantically interested in the woman, but grew angry after the woman spurned him." The prosecution alleged that on each occasion, he pointed a gun at the woman to prevent her from walking out. The prosecution argued that the testimony of the other women was important in demonstrating a "common plan or scheme." The defense sought to prevent the women from providing such testimony. Though the law generally forbids the introduction of evidence showing a defendant's previous transgressions, the judge ruled the testimony "can be used to show lack of accident or mistake."


Spector was tried for the murder of Clarkson in 2007. On September 26 of that year, a mistrial was declared due to a hung jury, with ten jurors of twelve favoring conviction. He was tried again for second-degree murder beginning on October 20, 2008. On April 13, 2009, the jury found Spector guilty of murdering Clarkson. On May 29, 2009, he was sentenced to nineteen years to life in state prison; and he died on January 16, 2021 of complications from COVID-19 while he was serving his sentence in a prison hospital.

[Such a tragic loss.] 

Essential: Impeach, Convict

5 Reasons We Must Impeach and Convict [Insurrectionist-in-Cheat]: with Elizabeth Warren > .

New Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee

New Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee - Bernie >

The long-held Republican RepuGNican nightmare that a champion of working-class people and the common good — one who has dedicated his political career to curbing poverty and injustice while denouncing corporate greed, endless war, and the cruelty of a for-profit health system that leaves millions upon millions uninsured or without affordable access to care — would assume the powerful position of chairing the Senate Budget Committee is about to become reality.

Friday, January 15, 2021

The hypocrisy is stunning

Rajini Chandy: The 69-year-old Indian actress trolled for ‘too sexy’ photos

Hypocritical? India ranks amongst the rape and internet search-for-"sex" capitals of toxic-male-dysfunction nations.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Authoritarian Personality Disorders run Amok

[Edited for accuracy] "“Over the last 72 hours, I have received multiple death threats and thousands upon thousands of emails from Christians [purported Christians, imo] saying the nastiest and most vulgar things I have ever heard toward my family and ministry. I have been labeled a coward, sellout, a traitor to the Holy Spirit, and cussed out at least 500 times.”

This is the beginning of a Facebook post from Sunday by the conservative preacher Jeremiah Johnson. On Jan. 7, the day after the storming of the Capitol, Johnson had issued a public apology, asserting that "God" [their Pet-Nonexistence] removed [Authoritarian-in-Chief] from office because of his pride and arrogance, and to humble those, like Johnson, who had fervently supported him. 

[Actually, it was decent, disgusted Americans, not a non-existent SkyDaddy that removed Contemptible-in-Cheat.]

The response was swift and vicious. As he put it in that later Facebook post, “I have been flabbergasted at the barrage of continued conspiracy theories being sent every minute our way and the pure hatred being unleashed. To my great heartache, I’m convinced parts of the prophetic/charismatic movement are far SICKER than I could have ever dreamed of.” 

[The average atheist and acceptor of the evidence for biological evolution could have warned Jeremiah Johnson that he has been feeding antisocial nonsense to those eager to hide their hatreds behind a religionist disguise.]

This is what is happening inside evangelical [proselytizing pseudo-]Christianity and within conservatism C*N*servativism right now. As a conservative Christian friend of mine put it, there is strife within every family, within every congregation, and it may take generations to recover." 

[Recover? Meanwhile, more and more rational individuals are eschewing religionist manipulations altogether.]

"One core feature of MAGAtism is that it forces [allows bigots to betray every commitment they claim to have had]: to the truth, moral character, the Sermon on the Mount, conservative principles [as though those are admirable in any way], the Constitution [which is daily flouted by their LIAR-of-Choice]. In defeat, some people are finally not willing to sacrifice all else on [Bigot-in-Cheat’s] altar.

The split we are seeing is not theological or philosophical. It’s a division between those who have become detached from reality and those who, however right wing, are still in the real world.

Hence, it’s not an argument. You can’t argue with people who have their own separate made-up set of facts. [You can argue, but they are impervious to facts, reason, and common decency.] You can’t have an argument with people who are deranged by the euphoric rage of what Erich Fromm called group narcissism — the thoughtless roar of those who believe their "superior" group is being polluted by alien groups.

It’s a pure power struggle. The weapons in this struggle are intimidation, verbal assault, death threats and violence, real and rhetorical. The fantasyland mobbists have an advantage because they relish using these weapons, while their fellow Christians just want to lead their lives.

The problem is, how do you go about reattaching people to reality?" 

[You can start by not filling children with frightening LIES. It's rather a silly question when the most hypocritical amongst these otherwise-hypocrites have been brainwashed since childhood --- Believe fervently despite utter lack of incontrovertible evidence and you will be rewarded after you die! Believe fervently despite utter lack of incontrovertible evidence and your enemies will burn in a lake of fire forever. For the worst of these fear- and hate-filled hypocrites, it's all about feeling an illusion of control. Don't act surprised, Jeremiah Johnson, they were NEVER nice people.]

Time for a laugh

High demand and heavy snow have had a "severe impact" on Yorkshire's ambulances, with bad weather also affecting coronavirus vaccinations. .

[The problems are unfortunate, but none of the images show anything remotely like "heavy snow".] 

Blood on tiny orange hands

Five people are now dead as a result of LOSER-in-Cheat's inciting insurrection by his dimwitted wrong-wing cannon-fodder.

Never mind impeachment or evoking the 25th (which Pence is unlikely to do for fear of dirt's being spilled), ARREST the unfit sociopath for committing another clear crime.


Pro-Thug-in-Cheat rioters who breached the building in hopes of thwarting President-elect Joe Biden's victory. Vice President Mike Pence affirmed Biden's win early Thursday.

Thousands of rioters had gathered at the National Mall to protest the election results. At a campaign-style rally about an hour before the mob broke through police lines at the Capitol, Traitor-in-Cheat had urged them to go to the building.

D.C. Police Chief Robert Contee said the chaotic day included four fatalities: a woman who was shot by the U.S. Capitol Police, as well as three others — two men and one woman — who died in “separate medical emergencies.” [A fifth died later after being injured by tRUMP's brownshirts]. Police made "in excess of 52 arrests," including 26 on U.S. Capitol grounds.

At least 14 Metropolitan Police Department Officers were injured during the demonstrations, Contee said. Two pipe bombs — one from the DNC and one from the RNC — were also recovered by police.
Even if the USA is too spineless to deliver justice to tRUMP and his enablers, many of his stupid followers will be identified and made to pay (arrest, firings) for tRUMP's greedy ambitions: 

21-1-14 A man male who was photographed holding a Confederate battle flag inside the U.S. Capitol last week during the riot was arrested 20-1-14 in Delaware, two law enforcement officials said. The man male, Kevin Seefried, was wanted by the F.B.I., which had sought help from the public to identify him and had widely circulated a dispatch plastered with images of him.

In a bulletin, the agency said that it was looking for assistance to identify individuals “who made unlawful entry” into the Capitol, including the man male with the Confederate flag, now identified by The New York Times as Seefried.

According to court documents, Seefried and his son, Hunter Seefried, were identified after the F.B.I. received a report from a co-worker of Hunter Seefried that said that the man had bragged about being in the Capitol with his father on January 6. Seefried’s [idiotic braggart] son was also charged.

The F.B.I. had received more than 126,000 photographic and video tips as of earlier this week, as agents also scrubbed airline passenger manifests and video of air travelers to and from Washington to find potential [fly-in because in a minority] suspects. The top federal prosecutor in Washington said this week that he expected the number of people charged with crimes tied to the Capitol riot to rise into the hundreds.

On 21-1-13, federal agents made more arrests in New York, Maryland, Texas and Florida, among them a firefighter from the town of Sanford, near Orlando.

A retired firefighter from Chester, Pa., was also arrested on Thursday after he was identified as the man seen in a video throwing a fire extinguisher at police officers during the riot. The man, Robert Sanford, is charged with assaulting a law enforcement officer engaged in the performance of official duties and civil disorder among other crimes.

21-1-10 Notable Arrests [of unpatriotic, nationalistic, deluded morons] After the Riot at the Capitol

Dozens have been charged in the days since a mob of Insurrectionist-in-Cheat supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, disrupting the certification of the 2020 presidential election results. [The demented, aggressive revolutionists aren't grinning proudly in the mug shots.]

A prominent follower of the baseless conspiracy theory QAnon has been charged over the US Capitol riots. Jacob Anthony Chansley, known as Jake Angeli, is in custody on charges including violent entry and disorderly conduct. Mr Chansley, who calls himself the QAnon Shaman, is allegedly the man pictured with a painted face, fur hat and horns [and distinctive, difficult-to-remove tattoos] inside Congress on Wednesday.

Capitol riots: The hunt to identify and arrest the rioters.

Several figures of violence in Congress arrested and accused.

4 5 dead, 52 arrested, 14 police officers injured after pro-Trump rioters breach US Capitol; FBI opens investigation.

So far there have been at least 82 arrests. Investigators in DC say they have received over 17,000 tips from the public on the rioters. The FBI is offering a $50,000 (£37,000) reward for information leading to the arrest of an individual who planted pipe bombs at Democratic and Republican party headquarters.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Only 10 honorable Republicans

The House, With Some Greedy Obstructionist Partisan Support, Votes to Impeach Thug-in-Cheat a Historic Second Time: The House voted on an article of impeachment that accuses UNpresident tRUMP of “incitement of insurrection,” and 10 Republicans (as distinct from the 197 RepuGNicans who disrespect the Constitution) supported the move. Senator [Traitor-to-America] Mitch McConnell said he would not agree to use emergency powers to bring the Senate back into session for a trial before Jan. 19. [Ironically, the delay is almost certain to ensure that the impeachment will be ratified = part of the Grim Reaper's desperate attempt to protect his disgusting party from a re-run by Disaster-in-Cheat.]

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The Inevitable RepuGNican Mega-Mess

"If you look closely, there are actually four different Republican factions today: principled conservatives (Republicans), cynically tactical conservatives (Repugnicans), unprincipled conservatives (RepuGNicans) and tRUMP cultists (Ultra-RepuGNant-RepuGNicans). In the principled conservatives camp, I’d put Romney and Murkowski. They are the true America firsters. While animated by conservative ideas about small government and free markets, they put country and Constitution before party and ideology. They are rule-abiders." [The others--Repugnican, RepuGNicans, and Ultra-RepuGNant-RepuGNicans belong, imo, on a garbage heap.]

"Democrats will have a say in this, too. This is their best opportunity in years to get some support from center-right Republicans. Be smart: Ban the phrase “defund the police.” Talk instead about “better policing,” which everyone can get behind. Instead of “democratic socialism,” talk about “more just and inclusive capitalism.” And tone down the politically correct cancel culture on college campuses and in newsrooms. While it’s not remotely in the league of those trying to cancel a whole election, it’s still corrosive."

Capitol Superspreader Event

COVID: Three Democratic lawmakers test positive after Capitol riot:

They should receive medical care as good as Pathogen-in-Chief's.

As for the violent goons who wore masks only to disguise their identity, I doubt they were wearing masks for the entire time that their fellow thugs were shouting and panting. Natural selection takes advantage of folly.

The RATS who mined the ship

Live Updates: On Eve of House Vote, [Grim Reaper] McConnell Is Said to Be Pleased About Effort to Impeach Traitor-in-Cheat: Sociopath-in-Chief Senator Mitch McConnell is said to believe that the impeachment effort will make it easier to purge UNpresident Putin's Puppet from the party. And Representative Kevin McCarthy has asked other RepuGNicans whether he should call on Insurrectionist-in-Cheat to resign in the aftermath of the Capitol siege.

Discrediting a manufacturer?

How could a fierce competitor sabotage a huge manufacturer? Attack its vulnerable components far from its manufacturing base?

Twice is merely a coincidence, but in an era of increased air safety, this is the second SE Asian airline's Boeing to appear to drop from the sky. This was a tragedy for those who lost their lives and for all who lost loved-ones.

However, Boeing's success means that its products are statistically more likely to suffer disaster than smaller opponents.

Indonesia crash: Sriwijaya Air plane's flight data recorder retrieved:

Indonesian search teams have retrieved one of the two "black boxes" from the Boeing 737 plane that crashed into the Java Sea on Saturday, killing all 62 people on board. The flight data recorder was brought ashore, but the teams are still trying to locate the cockpit voice recorder. The authorities hope that data from the black boxes can give vital clues on the possible cause of the crash.

The 26-year-old aircraft passed an airworthiness inspection last month. It was still functioning and intact before it crashed, preliminary results showed. .

Infamous ill-fated SE Asian flights:
MH17 - shot down by Russian BUK over Ukraine
MH370 - vanished . . .

Monday, January 11, 2021

Without Accountability, a Future Coup Might Succeed

Rabid homophobia = hypocritical internalized homophobia

A killer who stabbed three men to death in a Reading park has been handed a whole-life jail term: Khairi Saadallah murdered James Furlong, 36, David Wails, 49, and 39-year-old Joe Ritchie-Bennett, in June last year in Forbury Gardens. London's Old Bailey previously heard the 26-year-old "executed" the [LGBT] men as an "act of religious jihad".

Given that research provides abundant evidence of the correlation:
a) between rabid homophobia and internal conflict about homoerotic urges
b) between religiosity and rigid authoritarianism
c) between violence and authoritarian parenting
and the inverse correlation between
d) religiosity and intelligence,   

Saadallah's deeper issues are not difficult to infer.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

It ain't over until the fat thug's jailed

The Narcissist in Chief Brings It All Crashing Down: An ending as terrible as it was predictable engulfs the UNpresident and the country.

[edited for greater accuracy] "Our UNpresident has never been a very stable man. But I’m trying to think of what threshold of loco he had to clear in order for one of his senior advisers to confide in my colleague Maggie Haberman that tRUMP “lost it” on the day of the insurrection.

Or for an administration official to describe him as “a total monster” to The Washington Post the next day.

Or for Representative Adam Kinzinger, a member of tRUMP’s own [dysfunctional] party, to call for the cabinet and the vice president to invoke the 25th Amendment because we require “a sane captain of the ship” to steer us through the administration’s final days, and “all indications are that the UNpresident has become unmoored, not just from his duty, or even his oath, but from reality itself.”

Our UNpresident has always been out there. But on Jan. 6, 2021, he clearly reached escape velocity and hurtled into space.

We shouldn’t be surprised. The UNpresident’s flight into the ozone of crazy was as inevitable as the country’s descent into anarchy — and almost certainly intertwined. tRUMP, as I and many others have noted, impeccably meets the criteria of a malignant narcissist, and he has a defect in moral conscience," [So do his stupid, duped, personality-disordered, cognitively-hypofunctional fanTHUGS] , and he has a defect in moral conscience that is emblematic of psychopaths. People like this do not react well to being fired, divorced or kicked out of any club. They’re ego hemophiliacs. Their self-esteem cannot self-repair. And so the UNpresident is now doing exactly what all pathological narcissists of the malignant, conscience-free variety do when they’ve been given the boot. They behave dangerously.

They claim they are victims. They lie, reject facts and call foul play. They blame everything — and everyone — for their failures except them-LOSER-selves. They accuse even their most loyal supporters of treachery. (On Thursday a White House official told The Washington Post that tRUMP was so angry at Mike Pence “he couldn’t see straight.” Pence! [Actually, many doubt that Pence has ever genuinely seen straight] But as I’ve often said, you can never love suck-up-to a narcissist enough.)

They take one reckless, desperate risk after another to keep their amour propre intact.

And most important, they lash out with an Old Testament vindictiveness, often destroying the very institution — or spouse, family, whatever it is — they were once sworn to nurture.

Which in this case is democracy itself. tRUMP is a man [let's not insult real men] male who found [inevitable] failure so intolerable, so humiliating, that he was willing to incite a an acre-wide mob to violent insurrection, both in and around the Capitol, on Congress’s election certification day. Either he would get what he wanted or no one would. Five are now dead.

“Now we gather due to a selfish man’s male's injured pride,” as Mitt Romney said the night of the siege.

You know who could have predicted this? Researchers who specialize in bad C.E.O. behavior. [Plus psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, psychotherapists, lawyers for and against the mob, and any westerner with an ounce of rationality.] They’ve seen this movie dozens of times before. It’s textbook stuff. [Yup, textbook of dangerously abnormal psychology stuff]

“It should be absolutely no surprise that this is where we are,” Jennifer Chatman, a professor of management at the Haas School of Business at Berkeley who has written extensively about narcissistic leaders, told me. “It’s never a pretty transition when they have to go.” They’re too entitled. They’re too in the habit of sowing distrust. They have disdain for rules — which in fact made them terrible leaders in the first place, prone to cheating and stealing and grift. “They leave their organizations in terrible shape, both from a structural and cultural point of view.” As tRUMP has left the RepuGNican Party. And the country at large. [tRUMP's personality-disordered fanTHUGS were already dysfunctional --- that's why they foolishly worshipped a monster who views them as USEFUL LOSERS].

“I Hate Men”

A book titled “I Hate Men” was bound to arouse controversy.

"The feminist essay, which makes a case for shunning men as a legitimate defense mechanism against widespread misogyny, was initially published in French by the nonprofit press Monstrograph. It only printed 400 copies. On the day it was released last August, however, an employee of France’s ministry for gender equality, Ralph Zurmély, emailed Monstrograph from his government account.

The book was obviously, he wrote, “an ode to misandry.” Zurmély, who hadn’t read the book, likened it to “sex-based incitement to hatred,” and concluded: “I ask that you immediately withdraw this book from your catalog, subject to legal prosecution.”

The threat backfired. No sooner was it made public that “I Hate Men” became a cause célèbre in the French news media — and brought attention to misandry, the dislike or mistrust of men, as a social phenomenon."

[Difficult to understand why some women might hate men? Statistics explain.]

8 coercive control stages to murder of partner: Women account for more than 80% of victims killed by their partners - and most of the time, the partner [killer] is male.

Toxicity sample, November '19 (tabulation of violent and sexual crimes covered in on a news site over almost one year) = cumulative: 185M (187M?) + gang M + many hundreds of thousands (historic sexual assault) M VERSUS 9F

Thursday, January 7, 2021

How to raise children ...

Hitler proved that authoritarians take advantage of appeasers ...

Thug-in-Cheat, "however, is indeed a fascist — an authoritarian willing to use violence to achieve his racial nationalist goals. So are many of his supporters. If you had any doubts about that, Wednesday’s attack on Congress should have ended them.

And if history teaches us one lesson about dealing with fascists, it is the futility of appeasement. Giving in to fascists doesn’t pacify them, it just encourages them to go further.
One big step happened in February, when every RepuGNican senator other than Mitt Romney voted against convicting the UNpresident on impeachment charges despite clear evidence of his guilt. [Too dim for her position] Susan Collins famously justified her vote by hoping that Bully-in-Cheat had “learned his lesson.” What he actually learned was that he could abuse his power with impunity.

Another big step came in the spring, when armed protesters, with Brat-in-Cheat’s encouragement, menaced Michigan authorities over COVID-19 restrictions. That dress rehearsal for this week’s violence drew some tut-tutting from RepuGNican politicians, but no serious pushback. Indeed, one of the leaders in these events, Meshawn Maddock — who was also involved in Wednesday’s rioting — is in line to become co-chair of the Michigan G.O.P.

Again, the lesson was clear: Right-wing Wrong-wing activists can get away with threatening elected officials, even when this includes brandishing weapons in public spaces.
Then came Infant-in-Cheat’s unprecedented refusal to accept electoral defeat. Many RepuGNicans joined him in trying to reject the will of the voters — almost two-thirds of House RepuGNicans voted against accepting Pennsylvania’s electors after the tRUMPist riot.

But even those who didn’t actively join his attempts to stage a coup tried to let Trump and his followers down easy. [Grim Reaper] McConnell waited more than a month before accepting Joe Biden as president-elect. One senior RepuGNican said to The Washington Post, “What is the downside for humoring him for this little bit of time?” Well, now we know the answer.

Finally, what happened on Wednesday? A tRUMPist attack during the confirmation of Biden’s victory was completely predictable. So why was security so lax? Why were there hardly any arrests?
So what can be done? It’s time to stop appeasing the fascists among us. Law enforcement should seek to arrest as many of the participants in 21-1-6's attack as possible — some have already been identified, and there’s video evidence that should make it easy to identify many more.

And anyone who tries to violently interfere with the transfer of power should also be arrested. [And pre-emptively seize ALL their guns and ammunition while they fret in jail cells.]

Finally, there needs to be an accounting for whatever crimes took place during the past four years — and does anyone doubt that DUHnocchio's allies and associates engaged in criminal acts? Don’t say that we should look forward, not back; accountability for past actions will be crucial if we want the future to be better.

Appeasement is what got us to where we are. It has to stop, now."

[Hear. Hear. Remember that bullies are COWARDS.]

Dying for the World's Worst LOSER

Ashli Babbitt, a 35-year-old military veteran from California, was shot by a plainclothes Capitol police officer, according to Washington DC Police Chief Robert Contee. Benjamin Phillips, 50, Kevin Greeson, 55, and Rosanne Boyland, 34, also died after suffering "medical emergencies", he said. [Medical emergencies? Cardiac arrests? Status asthmaticus? Falls? Struck with blunt objects? Shot? Stabbed?]

The three travelled from Pennsylvania, Alabama and Georgia respectively [in order to die for a worthless failed-businessman-cum-crook].

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Authoritarian-in-Cheat Incites a Coup at the Capitol


Not that there is a deity of any description to praise. Instead, I give thanks to Stacey Abrams and her organization ...

Georgia Senate election: Democrats take control with Warnock and Ossoff wins: [not, of course, that the world's most childishly-resentful LOSERS --- the authoritarian Fascisti of America, aka RepuGNicans, are likely to accept that election interference has NOT prevailed]

Dynastic Cannon Fodder

Wanna-be-dicktators [sic] have littered history with dead equally-sociopathic supporters. Thug-in-Cheat would be happy to see American blood spilled in the streets -- provided that he does no jail time for his plethora of crimes and betrayals.

Live Updates: Pence and Lawmakers Evacuate as Protesters Storm Capitol, Halting Count of Electoral Votes: The Capitol building was placed on lockdown, with senators and members of the House locked inside their chambers, as Congress began debating President-elect Joe Biden’s victory. UNpresident LIAR-in-Cheat addressed supporters near the White House before protesters marched to Capitol Hill.

US Congress in turmoil as violent Authoritarian-in-Cheat supporters breach building

Violent [dimwitted, scumbags-for-authoritarianism] supporters of UNpresident LIAR-in-Cheat have breached the Capitol in Washington, as lawmakers met to confirm President-elect Joe Biden's poll win. In dramatic scenes, demonstrators swarmed the building as Congress members were escorted out by police. There are reports of guns drawn in the building and at least one person shot. A woman was reported to be in a critical condition after receiving a neck injury. There has been an armed confrontation at the doors of the House of Representatives. Tear gas has also been used.

The joint session of Congress certifying Mr Biden's win has been suspended and forced into recess.

Mr Biden said it was an "insurrection", and DUHnocchio [belatedly] released [an undoubtedly-insincere pandering-to-his-legacy] video message asking supporters to go home.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Continuing Criminality

It is a felony to try to “find” 11,780 fake votes.

If DUHnocchio were convicted under this statute, he could be imprisoned for up to five years.

Another federal law makes it a crime to “conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person ... in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States.” DUHnocchio could potentially be imprisoned for up to 10 years.

Georgia state law may also criminalize DUHnocchio’s attempt to overthrow an election. The state’s law makes it a crime to willfully tamper “with any electors list, voter’s certificate, numbered list of voters, ballot box, voting machine, direct recording electronic (DRE) equipment, or tabulating machine.” ... A person convicted of soliciting a felony in Georgia “shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than three years” (although the penalty can be higher if they solicit a crime punishable by life in prison or by death).

Georgia law also specifically makes it a crime to engage in “criminal solicitation to commit election fraud.”

Another federal law makes it a crime to “willfully fail or refuse to tabulate, count, and report such person’s vote,” although it is less likely that DUHnocchio could be prosecuted under this statute. While Georgia law makes it a crime to solicit another person to commit any felony, federal law only criminalizes solicitation of a “felony crime of violence” — meaning that the crime must involve “the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force against property or against the person of another.”

Ultimately, the question of whether DUHnocchio will be prosecuted for any federal crimes will rest with whoever President-elect Biden chooses to run the Justice Department and to oversee federal prosecutions in Georgia. And the question of whether DUHnocchio is charged in state court will rest with state prosecutors.

Whatever prosecutors decide, however, there is no question that DUHnocchio’s actions were a significant attack on democracy. They likely were criminal as well.

[Given that DUHnocchio's latest flirtation with crime occurred in America, I predict that ZERO will be done about his continuing criminality.]